
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

happy birthday to the prosit sisters


There was a time when I could rememember the birthdays of every single kitten litter I'd brought up and sold (yes they recieved birthday cards too). That time is not now, because these days I'm not even good at remembering neither humans nor my cats birthdays apparently.

The fabulous Prosit sisters, Ztina and Zigne (my, according to some, feline lookalike and misery face when being a perfect accessory), were born on December 15 not 18 as I thought. Sorry gals, but you know I adore your sweet nature and tyke personalities anyway, right? Right.

Wish I had a newly taken picture of them both, 2 year old, but sadly no, the three months old equivalent will have to do.

Happy (belated) birthday to you both
and many many many more to come!


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