
Sunday, April 20, 2014

cherry blossom stockholm 2014

cherry blossom trees 2014

It's that ol' pink magic time of the year again. Almost a month earlier than last year due to this unusually mild winter we've had. I don't think I have anything to add to the gorgeousness that is cherry blossom trees in bloom, so let's the photos do the talking. I took DSLR photos too, but haven't downloaded them yet, so the iPhone snaps will suffice.

cherry blossom 2014

As everything is connected I just learnt via my current work project that in Japan the brief weeks when the magic cherry trees are in bloom reminiscence of the short but wonderful (?) life of the samurai.

Me, I fail to see the connection between the beauty of short-lived peaceful flowers and the violent lifes of certain humans. But I can see the brief blossom as a reminder that life is shorter than most of us realise and that we should make the most of it, more of it, as often as possible, live life to the fullest.

That is for me the magic of pink during a few weeks of cherry blossoms in bloom. Make good use of your life.

cherry blossom 2014

The littlest cherry blossom photographer

cherry blossom 2014

Chubs in a tree - or a rare case of prunus serrulata bobbalooensis

cherry blossom sthlm 2014

cherry blossom sthlm 2014

cherry blossom 2014

cherry blossom 2014

cherry blossom 2014

cherry blossom sthlm 2014

cherry blossom 2014


  1. It's really nice that watching the cherry blossoms have become such a tradition in Stockholm =)

  2. This is one of my favorite of your annual posts. So much beauty!



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