
Friday, June 06, 2014

blissful garden

växplats nybyn

Spent some hours in one of my favourite gardens, Växplats Nybyn. The place where we always go flower picking on the last shivering days of summer. Where kindness and tranquility rules. Where the coffee and tea, sandwiches and cakes are vegetarian or vegan only, organic and fairtrade. Where there is only goodness for the mind and soul. And delightfulness and bliss for the eye.

Join me ~

växplats nybyn
växplats nybyn
växplats nybyn
växplats nybyn
växplats nybyn
växplats nybyn
växplats nybyn
växplats nybyn
växplats nybyn
växplats nybyn

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful place. Hours of fun, of beauty and of heart healing.


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