I hereby proudly admit to having finished a brick of a book in a couple of weeks. So so many years since that happened. Too many years. The reading mojo might indeed be back.
The book in question was neither Pessl nor Rowling, because those two do not get me in a good mood for a decent night's sleep. But read through they'll be, one of these days.
No the book I finished was one of the gazillions I pick up in thrift stores regularly, to read or to leave for Bookcrossing. Seemed like a light read, haven't read a book by Marian Keyes in ages. Outgrown that kind of chiclit perhaps. Plus I remember weight obsession always played a rather substantial part of her stories and that's something I find hugely irritating. And a vast amount of alcohol being consumed, equally annoying. But hey, why not give it a go, maybe it wasn't so bad?
Admittedly I was about to put it away after some chapters due to that weight obsession showing its ugly head, and all the drinking, taking the fun out of the reading. But somewhere along the way I was drawn into the story just the same.
And the more I read, the more I saw features from myself in the two main characters, Katherine and Tara. Mild features, yet features I'm not very proud of. Features that would do well being improved on. So I couldn't stop reading. And smiling and even laughing on the odd page.
It was an enjoyable read, even if it had been even better with less weight issues and alcohol naturally, a little dose of Keyes now and then will be alright. I think I already have a bunch of thrift books of hers to get my easy read fix.
And first brick novel in ages, for me, hey that says something! Welcome mojo ~
I hope your reading mojo does come back.