
Wednesday, October 15, 2014

once upon a time i painted pots

pia k stockholm painted pot

Those painting pots days seem awfully far away. I don't feel the least bit inclined to do such painting now. Back then I used to paint, sell and give pots in different sizes as gifts. I loved coming up with colour combinations (obviously) and details. The odd pot I kept for myself. One of my favourites from those days is still this one for kitchen utensils.

pia k stockholm painted pot

Though the impression of the pot clearly improves with a feline inspector posing with it.

pia k stockholm painted pot

pia k stockholm painted pot

pia k stockholm

Another favourite is the vegetables pot. It's been used and worn with time. But with a motive that still rocks my vegetarian boat.

pia k stockholm

pia k stockholm

pia k stockholm

And of course the old carrot pot!

A while back I discovered a couple of pots with a style that felt similar to mine. Turned out it was indeed my painting. I had forgotten about that lingonberry and apple pair. A rather sweet pair me thinks. After all these years.

flower pots

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