
Tuesday, January 06, 2015

january stockholm 2015

djurgården stockholm

On the last day of this Christmas (not counting S:t Knut's Day on January 13th) we went for a refreshing walk at Djurgården. The roads and street were frosty and crisp but no snow. The day begun with sun but it soon vanished out of sight. Still a beautiful, calm, crisp winter day and a city with little people around. Perfect.

djurgården stockholm

djurgården stockholm

djurgården stockholm

djurgården stockholm

djurgården stockholm
Small sized woollies in peace service. Of course. Weapon of choice is kindness alone. And chocolate cake.

All and all a rather perfect day to round-off Christmas and New Year's with. 
You are welcome 2015 - let's make it an awesome, spectacular, healthy and exciting year!

1 comment:

  1. Looks crispy and cold there Miss Pia, but a good day for a walk. 2015 - bring it on!!!

    Julie and Poppy Q


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