
Tuesday, May 19, 2015

colourful life lessons for breakfast, noon and evening

food and drink stockholm, may 2015 -

A very early morning called for a soy latte to go. In the keepcup of course. The reason for getting up at 5.30 (crazy!) was a breakfast seminar about a so called reputation resume - which turned out to be great and if you didn't know it by now, the CV is dead, long live your reputation!

I also learnt that if you leave home at 6.30 you go slightly pre-rush hour and commuting isn't such a hassle then. Plus you can saunter, enjoy the weather, views and your coffee and still arrive well in time.

flowers sweden, may 2015

My goal was to find a couple of matching flower pots for the two new geraniums. I wanted a two smaller, white and painted ones. Unfortunately the only white one left was being used in the window decoration, but I got a reasonable earthy discount for both that one and the blue one I had to chose instead.

I was reminded of the fact that things don't always turn out the way you expect or want them too, but that can be a blessing in disguise. The now three pots with their respective geraniums look awesome on the office windowsill. I doubt three white/decorated ones would have looked better.

food at home, may 2015 -

My first ever taste of Dunkin Donuts donuts will also be my last. They may be übercute looking, but the taste was way to sweet and I really do not like frosting. At all. Just like I'm not a cupcake person I'm clearly not a donut person.

But the meet cute also confirmed that I obviously have a bobbaloo to match anything and everything. Still, there is always room for more.

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