
Wednesday, July 22, 2015

'tis the season of rhubarb

summer food, july 2015

I really, really, really miss my lovely, generous rhubarb plants.

They were reliable and plentiful for many years and then suddenly a couple of years ago they just vanished. I blame the Spanish slug. Even if my garden has been reasonably spared from its invasion they are still here since a few years back.

Despite that I thought I would stay positive and plant new rhubarbs, namely three of them. Done in late May. They are sadly not doing as well as I hoped. Usually they would be thriving and plentiful by now, but this little bundle is the first harvest. From ALL three plants.

I do hope there will be more and that they will survive and thrive. If not, at least I got a bowl of rhubarb cream...

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