
Monday, November 02, 2015

the wilfa blender

Remember how disappointed I was about the so-called-powerful blender I bought some months ago

It was promptly returned but I haven't gotten around buying another one until now. I got several tips on great ones on Twitter, but as I'm not the least bit interested in buying a blender for several thousand sek I went for the most affordable one (with great reviews) and it was this one, from Norwegian brand Wilfa.

It has been properly admired by small sized woollies. And photobombed by little redheads.

But most of all, it's pretty high-tech and has a fantastic ice crush. The frozen banana needs to be in small pieces, or anything frozen of course, for it to work effortlessly. But other than that, fantastic machine so far. And easy to clean. It is pretty load on full speed (like a jetplane) but I guess you get used to that. Have granted only made one smoothie so far, but looking forward to making many many more.

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