
Tuesday, December 08, 2015

the organic fairtrade owl dress

Apart from a sustainable, vegan world of peace and kindness, a fairtrade owl dress owl in organic cotton jersey from People Tree was pretty much all I wanted for Christmas.

I spotted it at Bric-a-Brac when I picked up my first prize gift card a couple of months ago, but they didn't have it in (what I presume would be) my size. So I looked in the PT webshop and made a pre-Christmas wish.

I was heard and yesterday it arrived. I guessed the size and I'm glad to report it's a delovely, quirky dress and that it fits in a lovely way. 

the owl dress, december 2015

Call me the Owl lady in teal. With perfect side pockets. Love the neckline details that adds a bit of style and versatility. And I'm fairly sure you don't necessarily have to wear it with matching glasses and boots. Though it's nice to know I can if I wan't too.

That's my Christmas sorted. Looking forward to finding thoughtful gifts for others now. 


  1. Hey Owl Lady! It always nice to treat yourself to a little Christmas pressie. Our human thinks that dress is fantastic in every way. She wishes more dresses were made with side pockets & us cats think pockets are perfect for holding our treats. The thing we love most about your new dress is that there are hundred million thrillion owl burds on it. Burds on anything make it better.

  2. Oh my gosh that dress is very cute Miss Pia and suits you. What a great treat. I bought a dress tonight too, just in case I get invited somewhere nice.


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