
Thursday, July 02, 2020

dogs' best friend

the hoods, july 2020

My mum, THE best human ever according to the neighborhood's dogs. Because she ALWAYS has dog treats in her pockets. And they have learnt to see and smell her from far far away. Sometimes to their humans irritation, but mostly they think it's quite enjoyable and fun. Albeit somewhat embarrassing, because when the dogs have spotted her they no longer listen to command. And whatever they're occupied with seize to be of interest.

Her daughter however, is super boring, she never have dog treats in her pockets. Bah.

Some dog owners, for various reasons, don't want their dogs to get treats. And my mum isn't very good at picking up those vibes. So now and then there are pretty awkward moments. But I suppose hat in the big scheme of things, like life, that's merely a glitch.

the hoods, july 2020

The other day we went for a walk, and were lucky enough to run into this adorable gang. And they were ALL up for treats. Some more shamelessly than others.

Oh how I love a good meet cute. And more so these days, when life is generally rough, frayed and listless. Those little shiny happy moments, at least for a while the bad stuff is tucked away.

the hoods, july 2020

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