
Sunday, September 08, 2024

~ happy 19th blogoversary to me ~


I may not treat it with the TLC it deserves these days, but I still love my little outlet on the internetz to vent, rant and let my frustration and anger out in cyberspace.

As well as share my delights and little pockets of joy (in an increasingly ungraspable world).

Baked a little vegan apple cake to celebrate a bit today, September 8, 2024.

Mostly organic ingredients of course. And apples from a neighbourhood garden. Aquafaba is way better than eggs. And the same goes for serving it with whipped oat cream and not cow’s cream.

The world is a better place for every time we chose not to use and abuse animals for what we eat and drink. Period.

That little 1 candle I got for the blogoversary 12. I still have the 2 left. Next year I might splurge on a 0 to match. 

I think I’ve done a decent job over these 19 years, if I may say so, and of course I do.

Life has changed drastically in some ways since then, in others surprisingly little, but at least in blog I can trust. And so can you, even if not as regularly as it once was. It still is here, alive and kicking (now and then).

Thank you for reading, please enjoy the cake! ~ 🩷📝🎂

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Other than that, truly lovely to hear from you ~