
Monday, April 30, 2007

Our man in Rome

As I briefly mention earlier M had a bit of a holiday in Rome, playing golf last week - the golf part I'm not the least bit green about *no pun intended* but the Rome part I was sort of greenish over.

But as we all know, when someone near and dear is on holiday or away on longer business trips that someone always comes home bearing gifts - even though the gifts vary from excellent to what the f**k, it's the thought that counts. Mostly.
So you can imagine my sheer horror - as opposed to Sheer Stella, which I had asked the man in Rome to bring home a new bottle of. Well, apparently its not the same fragrance as the last Sheer Stella from 2005, but a new limited edition. The bottle looks rather alike the other one though and the scent seems wonderful... -
when I learnt that he actually had bought me nothing!! Not the tiniest little pearl, no scarf, not a magazine, no tea, no chocolate, not even a gift on the f**k-end of the gift-scale...
Still, sin carries its own punishment to nitwits... And guess who has been in bed all day complaining about stomach ache...? Can't say I'm surprised. I think that should be a lesson learnt, don't come home without gifts for yours truly.
Myself, well I've enjoyed a day more or less by myself, watching the newly planted pansies in my flower pots grow (see pic above).
Cleaning the house - partly, you don't want to overdo that. And well, a completely clean house is a sign of a life wasted - don't want to go there, do we?
Tried out some new style of muffins - apart from the cardamom/mixed berries & creamcheese ones, also some extra chocolate ones. With some Polish chocolates (yes a gift from business-tripper M!) that really wasn't very good to just eat. But turned out rather delicious when embedded in muffins!
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I still ponder whether to be magnanimously forgiving and save some for that non-gift-buying nitwit as mention above or not...
I've also made some kitty butts more than happy today - and myself, since I just love the colours and shape of the fab three new style of litter-boxes I invested in last weekend at the cat-show - by doing a real spring-cleaning in the cat-toilet.
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I wasn't sure if I should get two pink and one green, or two green and one pink, or one of each colour. But my distinguished fellow showgoers said a fab tricolour was the thing to get. And I must say I think they were absolutely right! Even if the pink-green combination is so Pia, I do believe the blue one matches just right.
And isn't it just fantastic that you can even get your favourite colours and funky design all the way into the kitty toilets?! And well, a good woman gets her own gifts I suppose. And eats her own muffins. And have a generously forgiving and sharing nature - sometimes.


  1. Haha! I'm actually laughing out loud at your hilarious thoughts on gifts - because I agree with you one-hundred percent!

    Also - once had an x-boyfriend bring me "that perfume you wanted" to find it a completely different brand, name and fragrance...with the "tester" sticker still on it. Yeah, that was the end of that!

  2. *LOL* I'm not sure, but I'm guessing it's some link missing in the genetic chain, I've had that problem with M and perfume-buying too. I'm amazed that not even a sketch of the bottle and a name isn't always enough to get it right...:)


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