
Saturday, August 11, 2007

Whatever Happened to Mr Hedgehog?

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Mr Hedgehog hasn't been around for the lucullic delights for some weeks now, nor has his friend. I'm really troubled by this. Best case scenario is that he has found a better restaurant - I admit I did change the expensive cat food for cheaper stuff, but I didn't think he'd mind, really...

Though perhaps there's even a miniature warning sign Bad hedgehog food being served here, outside the wicket now?

In that case, mea culpa, I'm sorry Mr Hedgehog with entourage - I never did get around to telling you there was a tiny and much shyer hedgehog visiting now and then? About half Mr Hedgehog size and completely adorable - I will emend. Please come back!

Worst case, some ignorant idiot hasn't been reading the signs when out driving - in that case I do hope Mr Hedgehog's family and friends are coping, please feel very welcome to drop by for some comfort food whenever you like!

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And Mr Hedgehog, if you've been called to the green pastures beyond, if you see Aurora there, tell her I miss her so much and send her my love, will you?

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