
Monday, March 09, 2009

The Best Park in Europe 2008, Runner-Up...

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... is the Chocolate Factory Park (Marabouparken) in Stockholm, suburb Sundbyberg. It came second after a popular sculpture park in Münster, Germany.

Still, the most beautiful park in Sweden, that's not half bad either. The second best Swedish park was lovely Rosendal's garden at Djurgården, one previous post. Read more about the Swedish national part competition here. Also Bergianska, previous post, Ulriksdal's castle garden, old post, and Hagaparken were national finalists in the 2008 competition. Read more about all the previous Swedish finalists here.

This annual competition has been held in Europe since 2003, read more about the it and the national competitions here.

And when the Chocolate Factory Park opens for the season May 1st, if in the vicinity may I suggest you swing by (free entrance) and enjoy the tranquility and beauty of this hidden gem and its flowers, sculptures, ponds and vast green lawn.

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  1. Pia K... I like the last park the best.
    It looks so tranquil and refreshing.
    You have taken such a nice picture of it.
    We have some lovely gardens in Niagara Falls but I don't know if they have contests or not.
    There is a butterfly sanctuary there too and the flying beauties are so unafraid of people that sometimes they cover you like a dress and you can get some pretty neat pictures of them.
    Pia K, your flower photos never disappoint me!
    They are spectacular...Love Terry

  2. Thanks, Terry. Oh, the experience with the unafraid butterflies seems quite, quite magic...


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