
Saturday, May 09, 2009

the pansy gnome


Every home and garden should have one, a pansy gnome. I'm proud to say I do. He is such diligent worker, the pansies are thriving, and I'm pretty certain he keeps an eye on the lilac shrubs which show so much promise for an amazing scented flowering season...



  1. Did you hear about the woman who was taken to court because her neighbour was complaining about her nude gnomes?

    Oh and while I am here..... I have bestowed an award to you. You can collect it over at Tinned Tomatoesps thanks for the list of restaurants :)

  2. Ha, ha, well that can't have been me anyway, Holler, my gnomes are very sensibly dressed:)

    Thanks for the award, I will check it out asap!

  3. Hi Pia, I must show your helpful gnome to Frederic. He might have found a long lost relative. They have so much in common, the red hat and the overall happy countenance. What a happy life between those gorgeous pansies.

  4. You do that, Titania and let me know what Frederic thinks! I wouldn't mind seeing a picture of him either...:)


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