
Tuesday, November 10, 2009

el naturalista iggdrasil boots


Ever since I was fortunate enough to get a pair of Iggdrasil Oxfords and found them incredibly comfy - and just what my poor left foot needed to slowly recover, that they are incredibly quirky lovable and mood lifting charming on not only the surface is of course quite important too - I have been coveting the other Iggdrasils models. Especially the winter boots.

I happy to announce that they are now a part of the shoe family in this residence. A year older, perhaps dash wiser, a pair of snazzy red boots owner for sure. As they ooze good quality I'm pretty certain if cared for they will be my autumn-winter season friends for a long long time.


For the El Naturalista Iggdrasil model in general it seems that I have to go up a size - to 41 instead of my usual 40 - that leaves good room for both toes and thicker socks. But at the same time I feel they fit snugly where needed and are roomy where that's needed. I find the soles to be supportive and despite their chunky (but feminine) look and sturdy feel they make for a very springy, energetic step forward.

The boots come in several alluring colour combinations, I went for the red ones. Since nothing says a good day to come quite like red shoes. In an ideal world I would have liked the red to be more of deep dark red rather than this wine red hue, but on the other hand it is a somewhat comforting nuance that's easily combined with most any colours this time of the year. The indisputable fact that they team up very well with wonderful, even magic, socks is of course something that makes walking in my boots even better these gloomy days of Swedish November ~



  1. Yes, I think those boots are quite worthy of the magic socks. Did I tell you how much I love those socks?
    A lot.

  2. Oh miss Pia, I am in love with your red boots. I bought some of the purple clogs, and they are super comfortable. Highly expensive here, but I love looking at their website as all the shoes and boots are awesome.

    I usually go up a size in boots too, as they seldom fit well.

    Keep warm!!

  3. Red boots are the best, these are very attractive. I have been tempted to buy a pair by the same company, but a different style, also there is a red pair of shoes with my name on it. I always hope for a sale.

  4. Anonymous3:30 pm

    The boots look nice and comfortable. I like the socks, too.

    What happened to your left foot? Did I miss something? Hope it feels better very soon.


  5. Älskar röda skor själv och har hört att det finns djuppsykologiska förklaringar till just det, men inte gått vidare med VAD det säger.. ;)

    Skulle också gäääärna ha Naturalistor, Knulp-skor och annat, om jag hade pengar dadadadadadadadadadada....

    Men jag kan faktiskt glädjas för andras skull, fullt så illa är det inte att jag missunnar andra för att jag själv inte kan i dag.

    Tur det, att bli så bitter vore ett värre öde än att gå i billighets- och fulskor!

    Nu ska jag bestämt pärla nåt i mässingstråd och höstfärgsstenar. Blev än mer inspirerad till det när jag sett dina ljuvliga bilder.

    Och så tänkte jag på dig när jag såg IKEAs reklam idag, jag tror bestämt att din mus är en Gosig, eller?

  6. thanks, alex, yes worthy they are indeed!

    thanks, julie, if possible i'd like to get them on sale here too. but i am smitten by them, sigh. i heard about a place in la, usa where they sell sample shoes for 25 usd - only in size 36-37 though. i'm glad that you found the purple clogs comfy and good!

    thanks, p.k, fingers crossed for sales. always. or some other good fortune to come along. i hope you get your red boots AND shoes!

    a little case of the nuiscance of plantar fasciitis, paz, due to faulty shoes. still there but feeling better than before at least. good shoes and happy socks make it feel better though:)

    åh, jag tror vi är många, många som älskar röda skor, pärlbesatt. ljuvlig färg helt enkelt, man blir glad och upplivad och så bryr jag mig inte ett skvatt om djuppsykologiska orsaker när det gäller det då:)

    bitterhet, usch ja, det är ett öde värre än mycket här i livet!

    ingen aning om vit skåpmus är en ikeas gosig - frekventerar inte plejset så mkt själv, men jo m brukar skutta förbi titt som tätt, han har andra preferenser än jag vad gäller den saken. men nu måste jag ju kolla in ikea reklamen:)


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