
Thursday, October 14, 2010

clever cat thursday ~ william wallace

wille 2010

One fantastic thing about british shorthair cats is granted they look like little irresistable plush teddies while kittens, but with age they just get more and more beautiful and teddybearish.

Which this photo of
liquorice Waldemar's red tabby agouti brother, William Wallace, is quite the stylish example of. Getting pictures like this certainly makes a breeder's heart sing while posture's beaming with pride. Waldemar is a sweetie, but William obviously plays in another league of british shorthair splendour. He has a befitting name, he was meant for greatness.

Unlike any of his brothers William has fathered some litters and conquered the GIC-title (Grand International Champion). From two weeks old - to six weeks - to seven weeks - to one year to now three, the grand development of a brit never seize to amaze me.

Beaming. Proud. That's me.


  1. Hello Handsome - aren't you a fine fellow!!

    You must be a proud cat mama Miss P - this boy is beautiful.

  2. Min syster har en hel hord brittiskt korthår :)
    Vi var två dagar i Venedig och det var verkligen vackert.

  3. What a great name for a cat. It would seem from this that you are a fan of Scotland.


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