
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

robot tea strainer, friends and thoughts

robot tea-strainer

Tell me someone who could resist getting this tea-strainer and I'll tell you someone who's lacking more than their right number of cats in the basket. Or something.

By now it must be obvious that I love my tea. I do drink more tea-bag tea than loose tea. For basically two reasons. One being convenience of course, the other being that in general I find that the tea-bag teas definitely lack more of the flavonoid tang compared to most loose tea encounters I've had.

From environmental point of view, perhaps loose tea is better. Yet another thing one should look into... Always (trying to) taking the environmental issue into account is tricky, the making one's carbon footprint a reasonable one vs just living (if there is such a thing) enjoying those seemingly small things (that in a large perspective may not be that small). I firmly believe that every human should strive to become a better being, a more compassionate, insightful being. At the same time as being or socialize with always-goody-two-shoes is rather unbearable.

But kindness and compassion with animals. Always. (With the exception of certain leather shoes, which may not be the best of choices when it comes to that. There's just a limited time you can get away with claiming the cows have signed a will stating that after their demise they'll become shoes for undersigned.) The end of specieism would be a wonderful thing. I'm beyond tired and weary of the human race taking smug interpretive prerogative over other beings for granted.

End of slight detour. Back to tea-strainers.

But I very much enjoy a good brew of any tea shape. And I love a nifty tea-strainer. So far my experience is that they may look fab but they've all had their weak points in design. Probably Mr Robot will show such signs to after diligent use. For now though, j'adore.

robot tea-strainer

Here are some other tea-strainers I've seen most fit to try niftiness out (with more or less satisfying result) ~




Older tea-strainer posts

Do you have a favourite tea-strainer?
Where did you find it?
Is it a long-time loyal tea-cup friend?



  1. "I'm beyond tired and weary of the human race taking smug interpretive prerogative over other beings for granted."

    You're preaching to the least with me. LOL.

    What a fabulous, funky tea strainer! I've only ever seen and owned the regular strainer kind, plain and functional.

    However, I do drink the tea that I have in a china cup. Preferably a fine bone china one (and I actually do have some, including one that belonged to my mother's mother). Mom always told me tea tastes better in fine bone china and she was right!

    Now I must make my pumpkin pie for tomorrow's dinner, so I will wish all you a joy-full Christmas.

    (((Hugs))) and Light.

  2. Oh, den var ju underbar! Kan inte läsa riktigt, så jag kan inte se nån länk till inköpsställe... Men min lillas far älskar robotar så jag vill hemskt gärna köpa en likadan till honom, eller iaf tipsa.

  3. enjoyed reading your thoughts on the noble art of drinking tea, kea!

    åhå, denna fina robot hittade jag på silvia, pärlbesatt. urmysig presentbutik vid nytorget/nytorgsgatan tror jag den ligger på. var ju snart ett år sen, har tänkt gå tebax och köpa fler sen dess, men inte blivit av. hoppas de finns kvar!


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Other than that, truly lovely to hear from you ~