
Sunday, October 28, 2012

books and cats


still on the involuntary reading hiatus - over two years now, but i'm doing better, i've finished a few these past few months - thus i basically do not but any new books. but who can resist 'old' ones? thrifting for the win!

i think there are many gems in these heaps. the one i'm most happy about is of course the nuala o'faolain's self biography, it has been on my wishlist for years. imagine to just stumble over it at a charity shop in sweden!


and finally, one of those universal thruths of life 'man kann im leben auf vieles verzichten, aber nicht auf katzen und literatur!' -

happy reading, 
happy week to come!



  1. Your blog and pictures make me feel so nostalgic!! At the end of this post, I got distracted by some advertised past posts at the bottom, and it was great to re- read about Christmases gone, kitties newborn, chewy cookies, among other things. I was overwhelmingly inspired to have a hot cup of tea after, which is no surprise. Your words and photos make cozy a necessity. :)
    Back to relevancy, I love a good second hand book store and could possibly open my own. You are right, I would much rather spend money on a huge stack of used versus one new. Happy reading!

  2. Reading and cats - a match made in heaven. Except that our Jewel does not like me reading when she is in my lap. All my attention should be focused on her.

  3. Stimmt völlig. My cat though would rather chew the book to get some attention...

  4. I can't reread books anymore, there are sooo many out there I want to read. I don't buy too many anymore. I have lots on my Kindle,but still get 2-3 books a week out from the library.

    I am a bit addicted to Goodreads - have you looked at that site? Everytime I look I find more books I would love to read.

    Julie Q


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