
Saturday, October 27, 2012

pastry day


realised there had been no proper birthday cake the other day. pastry was called for! felt like a budapest roll (befittingly given the december destination) - i've not completely given up dairy, but my intake is quite small these days even when it, surprisingly enough, comes to whipped cream. a budapest roll can be a really tasty, nutty, meringuey, mandarine (or raspberry as i did myself) filled with whipped cream pastry when well-made. but it can also be quite blah, it takes a certain pastry baking, making skill to get it right.

(contrary to what one might think budapest roll is supposedly a swedish pastry, not hungarian, invented in the 1920ies).

today's roll was however lovely. picture, needless to say, happens to include other, more long lasting, lovely matters in my life.

hope your weekend is treating you well. pastry wise and all.

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