It's been a rather hellish week, for several reasons -
same major issue as always, the in vain searching for a decent source of income, yes, such old, sad, annoying, crappeti crap not even news but constantly being the major pain and nuisance in the life of mine. I'm so tired beyond words (which says a lot...) to write, tell, plain, rant, put my wrath to blog, so I'll just leave it at that -
thus when Sunday came I wasn't all that eagerly looking forward to another round of a week of same situation to start, again. But it turned out to be a rather sweet round off to that hellish kind of week.
Because the sun shone, we were able to enjoy what possibly will be the very last outdoor
fika -
the Swedish coffee break-y thing - saw some enjoyable things, met some nice humans and non-humans, wore a pair of stripey socks and... as a tad pre-
birthday treat I got a pair of lovely *surprise* shoes. (As a gift, mind you, so yes there may actually be touch of reason to my bitsie-witsie of shoe-madness, ha to that).
As I do love
my Oxfords for autumn I was delighted when I spotted the fine
El Naturalista Tesela model as just that. Even more so when they were actually available in shop, in Stockholm, in my size, in the wine-red hue I coveted (I don't drink wine, but this kind of Rioja I adore). And that also being the only one pair of that model, colour, size available in Stockholm it was quite obviously written in my birthday-stars they should be mine, right? Right.
Yes, I'm very much still blue, wilting and in despair -
which I obviously try and keep out of blog as much as possible, because this place I like to have as a sanctuary from those tiresome, wretched parts of my life. A place of good things, good thoughts, an outlet for ideas. Because such things are what make all the others seem reasonably bearable -
some days, some weeks more than others. On those days a new pair of shoes, superficial as it is/seems, helps an awful lot to see things in another light. To count one's blessings, when other matters look bleak, to take yet another step forward (wearing perky shoes).
An then, a hearty, healthy, simple chickpea soup and a good movie to round off weekend do a world of good too.