Another year has passed.
Granted I have had some fantastic experiences, some brilliant meets, some wonderful days this past year that I am truly grateful for.
But overall, the year, the life have not brought the positive changes I had my eyes and mind set on, worked for, strived to. And for that I am the opposite of grateful. To say the least.
So life, can we shake hands on some great, much awaited, anticipated, deserved changes for this year to come? Yes we can. Promise. Just so we're clear, you know I'm going to hold you to that promise, life?
Who needs New Year's for promises of change when one has birthdays.
Happy birthday birthday twin girl. I hope this year is full of happiness and fun for you, and that you can have a fresh start!!
Have a lovely day and have some cake and treats.
Hugs and kisses
Julie and Poppy Q
A very happy birthday to you, Pia. I hope you celebrate with something fun, something wonderful.
And I wish you much Joy and laughter and love in this new year of your life, as well as those positive changes for which you are striving. Please don't give up hope, for as I have learned, we humans don't live very well without out it.
Wishing you the happiest of birthdays, Pia! I hope it is filled with things that make you feel happy and peaceful.
My best girlfriend and I have a wee game that we play between birthdays. The goal is to do as many new things in the 12 months between birthdays as our age. So this year I have to try 35 new things. This can be a new recipe or visiting somewhere i haven't before, or taking a risk and doing something new creativly.
Wishing you a wonderful, creative and exciting 12 months ahead. :)
A day late, but just as sincere - wishes for a very happy and fulfilling new age!
Åh, såhär en dag efter, gratulerar jag dig på din födelsedag! Jag håller med, födelsedagen är väl nästan lite mer som nyår än nyårsaftonen :-) Det är ju precis vår personliga tideräkning och nyår som börjar vid födelsedagen.
Hoppas verkligen ditt nästa år i livet kommer med fler positiva förändringar än det nyss gångna året.
Stooooora grattiskramar från mig till dig!
Hope you had a Happy, happy birthday! You're so right.
A belated Happy Birthday!
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