Friday, October 04, 2024

october 4, 2024 - a day of many meanings


October 4 = Kanelbullens dag - Cinnamon Bun Day, it may be a Swedish tradition, but it’s such a lovely day so after all these years I hope it has spread far and wide in 2024.

This year I baked my vegan cinnamon buns myself again. They turned out lovely. 

Unfortunately I burnt a finger pretty badly on hot pearl sugar. Fingers crossed it’ll heal well.

My recipe for vegan cinnamon buns you can find here on blig if you hit the search button.

October 4th is of course also World Animal Day. And as always, if you claim you love animals you do not eat them in any way or form. Going vegan is the only way to stand on the right side of history. For the animals, for the planet, for your health.

And last but not least, October 4 is also All Animal Saints’ Day in Sweden. Today I remember these two (and all those đŸ±đŸ± who went before them), Pelle and Zigne, father and daughter. 

Amazing characters. Lovable tykes. Much loved, forever missed. ❤️💔

I will however never forget or forgive the nastiness the Swedish authority LĂ€nsstyrelsen (The County Administrative Board) put us through after Pelle escaped from the garden and fell sick, during the pandemic in 2021. 

I never got to say goodbye. I was put through hell, based on lies, by the shoddy Swedish legal system, but I won the appeal in the end. With great help from a friend. 

(The trauma and the story I blogged about during the time it took place, 2021-2022. So if you didn’t read about it back then, search for it in blog and you will find.)

But I’m certain LĂ€nsstyrelsen happily put other pet owners through similar hells regularly, just because they can. Never mind the real animal abusers, the factory farms and alike. Pet owners are such easy targets. It’ll tick statistics boxes for the authority.

That ordeal and that pitiful, heartbreaking ending has forever tainted the pure joy of having lived with and loved Pelle for 16 years.

And Zigne passed away in cancer in 2021, on October 13. Only a few weeks between the 💔 diagnose to her dying (just 9 years old). It went so rapidly, I still can’t fully grasp it three years later.

On Alla djurhelgons dag today, I remember the loss and the trauma that followed. Living with pets means you will have to brace yourself for the loss that will eventually come. 

The trauma that followed in the loss of Pelle is something that you could never, in your wildest nightmares, have expected. It has left scars for life. And not scars I feel has made me a better human. But they will remain a part of my life forever.

I wish it wasn’t so. 

But I’m blessed for having them in my life for all those healthy, happy, joyful years together. And for that I am grateful.

By for 2024, October 4.

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