A cosy, preferably colourful faux fur of great made to last quality has been high on my wish list for many many years. For various reasons I have never find one that ticked all my boxes. Until now. It’s blue and I love it.
And it’s second hand (but obviously hardly, if at all, used). Which is another great box that has been ticked with this dreamy purchase.
The story of this blue beauty began this spring, when I first spotted it at Swedish second hand site Tradera (where I make most of my second hand buys and sells).
The photos then definitely showed a pretty grey/brownish faux fur coat. Brand my favourite one, Marimekko. And I knew it screamed my name, even if I had wanted a colourful faux fur coat the brand equals quality and long lastingness, and a more neutral colour would of course mean my colourful shawls and scarves would have a perfect background to play with.
Still, it felt weird to invest in a fluffy winter coat at the brink of summer. I also felt the price was tad high for second hand, even though I fully realise the original price of a Marimekko coat of this kind would have been conciderably higher. But we all enjoy a good bargain, don’t we?
After a few months of no sale, the seller put the price down. And I was just about to put a bid in, when someone snatched it just before my eyes. Bu hu hu ad finitum.
So imagine my surprise and delight when the coat was again listed in September!
But as the new seller/previously snatched it before my eyes buyer had used both the photos and text from the original buyer, I got a bit suspicious. Asked for new photos and description.
Promptly I got photos of this BLUE not grey/brown coat, saying she had been very surprised when she got it as the photos clearly showed a different colour. The word ’dark blue’ in the original text isn’t something you notice. And why the seller wasn’t more open with the photos being very misleading colourwise is just plain weird.
The type of misleadingness that can give bad reviews.
That said, I didn’t hesitate a second when I saw the perfectly gorgeous colour. And I even managed to get the price down a bit more, w/out being offensive. Well done me!
And it turned out to be even more gorgeously perfect when it arrived. It’s so fluffy, oversized and with a really clever button mechanism. Love the quality and attention to details, as usual when it comes to Marimekko.
And I’m not even the least bit paid to say this.
The wait for my perfect faux fur coat has SO been worth it.
Once upon a time I always said that my favourite colour was pink, followed by red. But if I’m honest my wardrobe has never had many pieces of those colours in it.
I still concider green (especially apple green) my favourite colour, and I do have a few pieces of that in my wardrobe.
However, if I’m honest, the colour I’m subconsiously drawn to regularly is blue. I’m not sure if that has any deeper meaning, but in Sweden the blue political block is conservative and generally stands for quite the opposite of my values, and sense of decency so I guess I’ve never been comfortable in admitting that blue might be a favourite colour of mine… Which of course is ridiculous. Blue is a lovely colour, with a wide range of hues. That’s it.
And now a few words on the most surprisingly fact of all about this blue faux fur-post - it’s the third blog post in three days in a row. Shocker.
I don’t know how many years have gone by since that happened. But quite a lot of them I suspect. Maybe writing more regularly posts can be a sign of me being a year older, wiser, albeit more jaded but also brimming with things to share. The good, the bad, the inspirational.
Not sure yet. But don’t be surprised if there will be more vegan food inspiration posts soon, as World Vegan Day and month will arrive on November 1.
Also, I do take joy in every little kind comment left here. I haven’t replied to any forever though, and that’s not because I am unappreciative it’s simply because Blogger/Google has not ’allowed’ me to log in and reply or comment. And to try and possibly fix it has not been on top of my mind in this world and life of mine.
So to everyone concerned;
thank you, thank you, thank you!