Friday, October 04, 2024

october 4, 2024 - a day of many meanings


October 4 = Kanelbullens dag - Cinnamon Bun Day, it may be a Swedish tradition, but it’s such a lovely day so after all these years I hope it has spread far and wide in 2024.

This year I baked my vegan cinnamon buns myself again. They turned out lovely. 

Unfortunately I burnt a finger pretty badly on hot pearl sugar. Fingers crossed it’ll heal well.

My recipe for vegan cinnamon buns you can find here on blig if you hit the search button.

October 4th is of course also World Animal Day. And as always, if you claim you love animals you do not eat them in any way or form. Going vegan is the only way to stand on the right side of history. For the animals, for the planet, for your health.

And last but not least, October 4 is also All Animal Saints’ Day in Sweden. Today I remember these two (and all those 🐱🐱 who went before them), Pelle and Zigne, father and daughter. 

Amazing characters. Lovable tykes. Much loved, forever missed. ❤️💔

I will however never forget or forgive the nastiness the Swedish authority Länsstyrelsen (The County Administrative Board) put us through after Pelle escaped from the garden and fell sick, during the pandemic in 2021. 

I never got to say goodbye. I was put through hell, based on lies, by the shoddy Swedish legal system, but I won the appeal in the end. With great help from a friend. 

(The trauma and the story I blogged about during the time it took place, 2021-2022. So if you didn’t read about it back then, search for it in blog and you will find.)

But I’m certain Länsstyrelsen happily put other pet owners through similar hells regularly, just because they can. Never mind the real animal abusers, the factory farms and alike. Pet owners are such easy targets. It’ll tick statistics boxes for the authority.

That ordeal and that pitiful, heartbreaking ending has forever tainted the pure joy of having lived with and loved Pelle for 16 years.

And Zigne passed away in cancer in 2021, on October 13. Only a few weeks between the 💔 diagnose to her dying (just 9 years old). It went so rapidly, I still can’t fully grasp it three years later.

On Alla djurhelgons dag today, I remember the loss and the trauma that followed. Living with pets means you will have to brace yourself for the loss that will eventually come. 

The trauma that followed in the loss of Pelle is something that you could never, in your wildest nightmares, have expected. It has left scars for life. And not scars I feel has made me a better human. But they will remain a part of my life forever.

I wish it wasn’t so. 

But I’m blessed for having them in my life for all those healthy, happy, joyful years together. And for that I am grateful.

By for 2024, October 4.

Sunday, September 08, 2024

~ happy 19th blogoversary to me ~


I may not treat it with the TLC it deserves these days, but I still love my little outlet on the internetz to vent, rant and let my frustration and anger out in cyberspace.

As well as share my delights and little pockets of joy (in an increasingly ungraspable world).

Baked a little vegan apple cake to celebrate a bit today, September 8, 2024.

Mostly organic ingredients of course. And apples from a neighbourhood garden. Aquafaba is way better than eggs. And the same goes for serving it with whipped oat cream and not cow’s cream.

The world is a better place for every time we chose not to use and abuse animals for what we eat and drink. Period.

That little 1 candle I got for the blogoversary 12. I still have the 2 left. Next year I might splurge on a 0 to match. 

I think I’ve done a decent job over these 19 years, if I may say so, and of course I do.

Life has changed drastically in some ways since then, in others surprisingly little, but at least in blog I can trust. And so can you, even if not as regularly as it once was. It still is here, alive and kicking (now and then).

Thank you for reading, please enjoy the cake! ~ 🩷📝🎂

Sunday, September 01, 2024

farewell august, welcome september 2024

Or bye bye summer, hello autumn, as September is the official first month of autumn in Scandinavia. 🙏🏻👋🏻

Just like July August has been offering too many hot days in combination with surprising rain showers as well as heavy rainfalls (my roof is not happy…) with thunder and lightning.

Climate emergency is here.

And it has had an heavy impact on some parts of Sweden ever since the horrific summer of 2018. Yet too many ignorant people voted for a government that blatantly fight to make things even worse. 

The incompetence is mindblowing.

It’s 2024, but according to the Swedish government it might actually be 1984, business as usual rules as does selfishness. 

And I know, the same kind of ignorance and stupidity is seen all over the world, in politics as well as in everyday life choices. It’s hugely disappointing. Frustrating. Infuriating. Heartbreaking.

But what have I been up to this August, apart from being angry at the state of Sweden and the world?

Wrote a LinkedIn article about the recruitment scam I told you about in my last blog post.

It hasn’t gathered nearly as much arrention as I expected. Which is really weird. Like most things on LI are I suppose. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Go ahead and give it some much appreciated love and attention if you wish!

Club of interest might want to know that as the continued summer debacle of no commuter trains but replacement buses went ahead for the umpteenth year (+15 of them… 😱) and the whole ordeal ended on August 12.

So just as usually these past 8 part June and the whole of July, I spent most of my days reading. I’m currently 15 books ahead of my reasonable goal of 50 books read in 2024 on Goodreads.

Some decent reads, some blah ones, but no mindblowingly great ones yet. Four months left to get at least one but preferably two 5🌟 reading experiences. Fingers crossed.

Here are my books picked for September. ☝🏻

I know I won’t be able to finish them all of course. But I hope I might finish two, I focus on the 14th novel in the wonderful Isabel Dalhousie-series. Edinburgh, Scotland, philosophy and human interaction, well-composed slow reading at its best. They never disappoint and put me in a good mood of appreciating the little things in life, we often take for granted.

Focus two is the cli-fiction ’The ministry for the future’. Only 35ish pages in and 600 to go, I’m not sure what I think yet. Too close to home? 

As I have a couple of not yet finished books I read already, I’m just happy if I can finish those AND one of the new ones this month.

Apart from the Isabel Dalhousie book (which I always buy and make plenty of notes in) they are all library books. I’ve certainly rekindled with the joys of libraries after the pandemic. It’s almost addictive. And it’s a complete guiltfree addiction, which is super nice. 

Positive addiction actually. The ”ministry” book wasn’t available already at the library, so I asked for a purchase and got it. Now I do hope more readers will follow. It certainly feels like a book A LOT of people would benefit from reading.

I got this T-shirt in July/August. It’s organic cotton and it’s actually, believe it or not, a painting of Harry Styles by British comedian Joe Lycett, and sold by Greenpeace. Surplus money goes to fighting oil companies.

A) Who doesn’t want a portrait of Harry Styles on the chest?

B) Who doesn’t enjoy a good laugh?

C) Who doesn’t want to help fight the dirty business that have caused and continue to cause havoc on our planet?

D) And who doesn’t relish a super comfy, kindly produced T-shirt?

I got it in a very large size, since I’m always unsure about sizes (size tables are a bit so-so) and I’d rather go oversized that too small. Haven’t figured out how to style the sleeves yet, they’re too long and refuse to stay roll-uped) but I love the quality.

Prior to the return of the commuter trains I had to accompany little mum to health checkup appointments twice. It was a complete shambles, you would think they’d get better at communication, routines, signage and helpers after these +15 years, right?

But no. Not at all. It was a small and stressful hell getting on and off the right bus. And with a walker for 👵🏻 it was extra stressful.

The bus drivers were either reckless drivers or super new at their job. I even had to stand beside one of them and guiding him in the right direction on one of the rides…

We survived the ordeals. And I am so very grateful I didn’t have to commute every day during those months.

On the day when the commuter train were back I accompanied 👵🏻 again to a health appointment, this time in the city. The weather was perfect, I bought vegan blueberry buns to put in the freezer and a big sourdough loaf. 

Then we had late lunch at favourite place Mahalo. It was probably a year since I last was there, and the plantbased food was just as perfect as I remembered it. 

The Knivsöder glass noodle salad with tofu, mango and peanut sauce for me. And for little ’eating like a bird’ mum she had her favourite sweet potato fries with chili dip sauce.

In a week there’s a return visit at the ear specialist, and we most certainly will have lunch at Mahalo afterwards again. Will probably chose the same dishes too.

I was going to write about my recent (peri-)menopausal vegan supplement discovery but realised I wrote about it in my prior to last blog post. So I’ll just add that during month 2 (August) my sleep has turned better, if not nearly as good as it used to be (but of course stress and strains might cause issues with that too, not just a certain time of life), but I’m definitely grateful for at least some better sleep and time might change it even more, who knows?

Another little lovely outing took place last week. We took the bus to nearby Sigtuna. With a car it takes about 45 minutes, but with bus it takes 1,5 hours (where 30-45 minutes is waiting to change bus at a country road alas, but the bus rides themselves are so lovely and void of people that it beats taking the bus - train - train - bus trip that’s a bit quicker).

It was a lovely day. The late summer weather was again perfect. The town quite void of tourists. The houses and sights pretty as usual. And the walk by the lake blissful.

I had planned for a tofu lunch at the new thai restaurant we found last year. (Sigtuna may be the oldest city in Sweden, but it’s also probably the last place that offers a vegan place for food…) But then I suddenly saw this sign about a 100% plantbased cafe with daily lunches! Of course you must support such initiatives!

The dishes that day were spinach soup and aubergine with miso, Asian salad and rice. They were both very flavourful, but I missed having some bread (for the soup) and it certainly would have been good with more aubergine than three small rolls.

Looks like the dishes are more… satisfying on other days, but you rarely choose a day for a visit to a restaurant you didn’t knew existed prior. 

If you ever find yourself in Sigtuna, and want vegan food, go pay a visit to ’Hey Lucie’!

It’s hard to grasp that summer is over (at least if you look in a calendar) and autumn has arrived. It’s especially sad since it isn’t a nearly as enjoyable season as it used to be, prior to when climate change was fully upon us (2018). 

I do hope it will be a beautiful and very enjoyable autumn though weatherwise.

And I have high hopes for something splendid and fabulous to finally happen. To find my purpose, a positive change that brings joy, growth and a regular income again. I am SO SO ready for that.

Bring it, September, bring it on!


Thursday, August 15, 2024

dear pia *this is a recruitment scam*


” Dear Pia,

I hope this message finds you well. 

We have been following your work closely and are very impressed with your success in leveraging Meta tools to drive business growth. Your experience and skills are exactly what we are looking for in a X X X for the European Market at *insert a well known tech company*.

In this role, you will lead innovative social media strategies, expand our brand's presence, 

and enhance user engagement. YY is committed to fostering a dynamic work environment that encourages creativity and innovation, where you 

can develop and shape the future of digital communications.

If this opportunity excites you, please respond to this email so we can discuss the role in more detail. Our HR team is ready to guide you through the next steps of the recruitment process.

We look forward to the possibility of working with you and welcoming you to the YY team.

Best regards,

YY HR Team”

This is how a very elaborate and personal attempt to recruitment fraud started with an email.

If every email or LinkedIn message from recruiters over the years, would lead to an actual job or gig offer I would be a very rich gal. 

It rarely does. And I’m not.

I also find the ’we have been following your work closely…” quite creepy and somewhat… disturbing. Rather than the ’insipid flattering’ it was probably meant to be. 

Maybe that just the company’s TOV and friendly approach (that can be easily misconstrued…), who am I to say 🤷🏻‍♀️

Also the  ’…very impressed with your success in leveraging Meta tools to drive business growth.’ is a bit fishy. Unless the company had access to if not all but at least a fair portion of my previous clients data and statistics there were no way of having any insights in this. 

So my calm and cautious reply was ’Sounds interesting. Do tell me more’. 

to which I got this reply.

”Thank you for your prompt response and for expressing interest in the X X X position for the European market at YY . We are excited about the potential of you joining our team.

To provide you with a comprehensive overview of the role, including key responsibilities, working hours, and compensation, we would like to schedule a call at your convenience. During this call, we can discuss the specifics of the position and address any questions you may have.

*Insert Link to follow to schedule call*”

Neither the email address, mail design nor the link were obviously fraudulent. 

It was only when I tried to schedule the call that I became really suspicious. You could only schedule the call by logging in to your Facebook account (and thereby giving the YY company access to your password).

Being vigilant and better safe than sorry I then told them just that and getting a friendly reply like this:

”Thank you for expressing your concerns. We understand your caution, given the prevalence of scams.

I would like to assure you that this is a legitimate opportunity with YY. We are genuinely interested in discussing the X X X position for Europe with you.

We use Facebook for scheduling to leverage its secure and user-friendly platform. It ensures the privacy and security of both parties involved and allows for seamless integration with our communication tools.

If you prefer, we can arrange the call using an alternative method. Please let us know a convenient time for you, and we will accommodate your preferences.

Thank you for your understanding and patience. We are looking forward to speaking with you and exploring this exciting opportunity further.”

I gave them some times that worked for me to just give me a call.

Never got a reply to that.

All through the process I have searched in vain for similar recruitment scams. I even asked an American friend if she thought it was legit or an attempted fraud (thank you Amy!), she didn’t find any recruiter scams like this in her search either. 

As the well known tech company in question doesn’t have a customer relations phone number or email to ask them if this was an actual, legit job opportunity, there was no way for me to get a quick reply to that.

The attempted fraud (which I suppose was an attempt to scam me off my FB and IG accounts) did not tick any of the usual boxes when it comes to recruitment frauds. 

It was a personalized email.

It was very well written. (AI?)

The potential position was intriguing, fun and well suited to what I do (communication and social media) but also interesting enough to give a new and international perspective with a lot of growth possibilities.

To be able to ✅ all this it must mean that the Fraudster Someone had to have studied me online and painted a fairly accurate picture from its findings in to what might wet my appetite.

And all that effort just to get my FB password.

Which seems utterly crazy to me.

And quite quite creepy.

What I learnt from this elegant, elevated, elaborate  recruitment scam is that

A) I am more open to possible job offers than I thought, that doesn’t really fit my future plans. Just make them interesting and plausible enough, I’ll concider them.

B) I’m grateful that I am suspicious and vigilant by nature. And I will continue to be so.

C) Thank goodness for the two-factor authentication on FB (or any other platform log in).

The day when a very intriguing (and possibly unexpected) job offer (that is not a scam) comes my way will come.

It just didn’t happen in July 2024.

Be vigilant out there, the fraudsters have elevated their game, don’t fall for it!

Thursday, August 01, 2024

bye july, welcome august 2024


About high time for a blog post, new month and all, wouldn’t you agree?

It has been another summer with commuter train chaos and replacement buses - 

this has been an recurrent nightmare for +15 years now, and the only way to stay reasonably sane is to just stay at home and don’t even think about enjoying your summer Stockholm city. It’s just too much of a time consuming, stressful hassle -

so I’ve mostly spent my summer days reading and watching TV-series and movies -

Netflix stopped working on my old Apple TV on July 30, so I’ve cancelled the subscription. Watching on the computer or phone is just worthless compared to a decent flatscreen TV. And spending money on a new Apple TV is currently not a high priority. 

It was great while it lasted, now it’s time to prioritize other things. -

Haven’t been sleeping very well at night lately, naps have been my solution to that. I’m quite tired now, so an early night it is for me on the first night of August. And I’ll finish writing this tomorrow instead. At least I got some photos from the month that was uploaded. They will get their explanations tomorrow!


The perky necklace that obviously screamed my name (in top photo) is from Australian company Ruby Olive. It’s an extremely rare thing for me nowadays, to order things from overseas, even if it’s actually not the transport has a huge environmental impact, the VAT most always gets a bit steep.

But I made an exception for this beautiful coconut shell necklace. And yeah, the VAT process was ridiculous. And I still haven’t made time to make the complaint to our Swedish postal ”service”, but I really should.

Below is a plate of vegan blueberry buns from bakery Bröd & Salt. No way near as fanastic as the vegan cinnamon buns they used to make alas. But sometimes it’s amazing enough to find a bakery that actually sell buns I can enjoy. That treat alone is a rare rare thing.

And the thought of baking yourself isn’t always enticing.

Picked these buns up when I accompanied little mum to an eye doctor’s appointment in the city. 

In Sweden senior or special needs citizens have the opportunity to get a so call ’health transport’ (sjukresa) for hospital, doctor, dentist and alike appointments. Which means getting a taxi at a very reduced price. 

Sometimes you get to share taxi with others, which is a bit of a hassle, but mostly we’ve had the smooth transport for ourselves.  It’s very convenient. And when she’s talking to the doctor I can run some city errands and possibly have a coffee all by my glorious self for a change. The simple joy of that.

It’s difficult to grasp they’re getting old now, the kitties, Ågot turned 12 in April. And mostly spend her days sleeping, eating, cuddling. Haven’t dared to let her out in the garden again, after they moved back home again (after the 2021 ordeal), since she had a propensity to climb up in the ornament tree and walk over to the neighbour’s garden shed. 

She never went any further, she just laid there enjoying a different view. But given the hell I went through wandered off from the garden and got sick, and all the nastiness that followed, I don’t want anything like that to ever happen again. 

She enjoyed her garden time back when life was simpler, but she doesn’t seem to miss it.

As I wrote, spent a lot of time with books in July. Managed to finish 9,5 of them. Which is a pretty great score for 31 days of reading I think. I usually read 2-4/month.

The quality of the books varied A LOT though. After having enjoyed Bridgerton season 1-3 on Netflix very much, I thought I’d give the books a go. Surely an adaption that colourful, entertaining and enthralling must be based on pretty awesome books, right?

I was wrong.

It was a painful read. I got a distinct impression of a badly written tale by a randy teenager having read too many harlequin novels and wanting to make a go at it her/himself. That it is written my a grown up woman is astonishing (and not in a good way). That Shonda & co. could turn it into such a delightful TV-series, well that is even more astonishing.

Since it’ll be a long time before Bridgerton season 4 will get on Netflix, I thought the novels would be entertaining enough in the meantime. They will not be. And after finishing the awful book 1 I will definitely stay away from the rest. 

It’s really difficult to understand how so many people can enjoy reading them. But clearly tastes differ. A lot.

The ’Ursäkta mig!’ (Excuse me!) I got for the university course in rhetoric & climate transition I was going to take this summer. I later changed my mind for various reasons, one of them being that I find it just incredible that anyone claiming to be a climate activist or just actively working on lessing their own climate foot print and not being vegan is just ridiculous. 

And I wasn’t interested hanging with that kind of stupidity for the summer.

This little book is co-written by the professor teaching the course. In a light hearted popular science easy read kind of way. Even if it wasn’t obligatory course literature I wanted to read it anyway. 

It was certainly written for people who still haven’t fully grasped the climate emergency or taken proper steps to change their personal climate foot prints, so it didn’t give me the new insights I had hoped for. But there was a decent literature list at the end of the book that I’ll look further into.

The John Ajvide Lindqvist (you know ’the Swedish Stephen King’ that wrote ’Let the right one in’?) ’Sommaren 1985’ (Summer of 1985) was a very good read. One of my favourite writers, he never disappoints!

And the fresh bed sheets of July was of course the wonderful Marimekko strawberry one. 

The garden hasn’t disappoint this summer either. 2024 has turned out to be hottest year so far. And most certainly the coolest compared to what will come.

So even if everything went in to bloom much sooner than it normally should’ve (but the new normal is here ie nothing is normal nor predictable anymore), I’m trying to enjoy the beauty the short and fleeting time it graces us with its precence.

Currently the clematis in glorious bloom is almost over. It used to last well into October. Now it’s over in the beginning of August. That’s sad.

2024 has also been the year of A LOT of clover everywhere. Not sure what that means, weatherwise, but it has been pretty.

The temperatures have been too high to be enjoyable though. And it’s difficult to grasp how uncomfortable +25-28C can be percieved these days. I guess it’s an age thing perhaps.

There have also been a lot of rain falling, often quite suddenly and harshly. Heavy rains with thunder and lightning, which have been rather scary in their relentlessness.

The very last book in July was very much enjoyed, ”The last devil to due” in the Thursday murder club-series. I’m very much looking forward to the movie adaption, such great casting.

And talking about getting older. 

I have been lucky to not having experienced any dreaded menopausal symptoms. No hot flashes and such things. Sure some weird weight gains, but that I blamed the pandemic change of life style for. As well as the constant tiredness, depression light and brain fog, that appeared after my bad flu/possibly covid in April 2020. 

Every blame was put on these circumstances.

The way I felt was also any eery reminder of how I felt in 2012-13, that constant exhaustion (which later turned out to be vitamin deficiency. Not discovered by me seeing doctors and having a gazillion tests back then with zero answers, but me reading up on what could be wrong and how may my food choices help…)

The doctor I saw in early spring 2021 did nothing to help. The blood samples I took showed nothing wrong. So I just basically tried to treat myself kindly, be patient, make better choices and wait it out.

After the horrendeous flu/possible covid last October, followed by the urinary tract infection (which I’ve only have had once in my life prior to this, in my 20ies) in December, I’ve been feeling both low and more brain foggy than before. Not to mention the sleeplessness.

And when I recently started to see more information about brain fog and sleep depravation (and weight gain) actually being menopausal symptoms I started to think that the way I felt was possibly caused by that. Or at least partly. All the other possible causes and life circumstances didn’t help of course.

As I have always strived to not add more medicine and antibiotics to my body than necessary I was intrigued when I found these vegan, with mostly organic ingredients, capsules that naturally rebalance hormones and reduce peri-menipausal symtoms. First saw them on Instagram of all places. Overall great reviews. Worth trying, even if I remained my usual sceptical.

Started taking them on July 4 and only a few days later my brain begun feeling slightly less foggy. It has improved even more since. A weird side effect is that I have lost any cravings for sweets. Not that I had massive ones prior, but I could definitely enjoy some plantbased candy regularly before. 

It feels quite strange not to, but there you are. 

I’m still waiting for my sleep patterns to improve, but just the brain fog being lifted has improved my life immensely. So after the result from less than 30 days usage of the capsules I’ve decided to continue with a subscription for them. And hope for more improvements to show up.

The capsules/supplements are fairly big and I personally find them somewhat hard to swallow, easier if you stand up doing it and the glass of water has to be very large. Other than that, 3 capsules every morning is my new routine.

Hormones & Me (shouldn’t that be ’I’??) is made by Swedish company Källa, that offers other supplements too. And no I have most certainly not been sponsored saying this (alas), it’s only my personal experience and I’m happy everytime I find natural solutions to any health issue. 

Plus sharing is caring. Surely I’m not the only (obviously) fairly clueless woman of a certain age that don’t have any of the obvious menopausal symtoms but still feel quite undefinably blah?

I also did an DIY hair cut again in July. As nice as it was to see a hairdresser again last year, as nice it was to save money and still get a refreshing style change for summer.

When July turned to August I decided to add a Pink Pop colour refresher hair masque to that cut. So now I sport pink hair again for some weeks. Yay.

Contrary to her sister Ågot, Ztina stays on the ground in the garden. She wanders around a bit, eat grass and then spends time in this ol’ crate (looking grumpy as always). 

Unfortunately the climate change has also brought more ticks to these latitudes, and she gets them now and then. Even if we are fully vaccinated against TBE there’s still the danger of borrelia, so it’s I’m not super-comfortable letting her out in the garden, but at the same time I don’t want to deprive an old cat (13 in December) some of the summer joys in life.

A rare visit to Stockholm city always means buying decent sourdough bread. And here are my two favourites from bakery chain Fabrique. The sesame seeds toast is only sold on Fri-Sat.

A nice stroll with lovely Stockholm views is always a treat too. Especially when the streets are fairly void of people.

Also baked a vegan rhubarb pie, so far the only pie this summer, it was a lovely sweet-sour crunchy experience.

A few litres of strawberries have been consumed. I wish they were more, but the quality and increased price made them less appealing alas.

But I have fully enjoyed this years cherries, they have been brilliant, sweet and flavourful, plus much more affordable. The season is over now, I will miss them a lot. They have been addictive and such lovely treats.

I also think I have finally, after all these years, found my skincare match this summer. Swedish company Skinome makes fresh skincare products without preservatives.

The cleanser (vegan) I’ve used before, and enjoyed. The moisturiser I’ve been meaning to finally try for a long time (just waiting for my old bottles to be finished). Unfortunately the product that matches with my skin (sensitive, dry, rosacea) isn’t vegan (milk protein), but given how greatly it has improved my skin since I began using it in mid May I will continue with it. 

Maybe my skin will improve so much in time that I can change to one of their vegan moisturisers, or they will change their ingredients list for the better.

As I felt that my skin was still missing a piece of the skin health puzzle I added the vegan probiotic concentrate a few weeks back. And love it.

You only need a very little dollop of each product, so even if they’re on the expensive side of skincare products they last longer. And when you subscribe you get 20% off. 

A subscription is definitely next on my list.

And again, sharing is caring and not sponsored. Because I know there are many fellow dry skin sufferers of rosacea out there. (Incidently dry skin is apparently also a menopausal symptom…)

It’s summer holidays time, so I didn’t expect anything exciting happening regarding my quest for a purposeful dream job being fruitful at this time of the year.

So mind my surprise when I got a surprising email about a rather exciting job possibility a few weeks ago. I’m forever grateful I stay sceptical and vigilant though, because it turned out to be a very personalised and much elevated attempt of a recruitment fraud.

Have searched in vain for people having similar experiences, which makes it even more crazy. 

I will give the experience another blog post all of its own soon. And most likely a LinkedIn post too.

For now I will thank July for your assortment of experiences, high and low. I’m grateful for everything you taught me.

Hello August, can you please, pretty please be benevolent and generous, that purposeful dream job would be greatly appreciated but I would also be grateful for a decent new income source. It doesn’t have to be dreamy, decent would do too. 

Many giddy wishes and hopeful thanks in advance, dear August. ❤️

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