But on the other hand it's better to bake yourself and be sure on what the ingredients are, than to buy the cakes, cookies and bread. And besides, it's rather rewarding to be able to treat guests with homemade goodies rather than the boring, bought stuff from the local supermarket.
So last night - when I should have been doing some "must"thing... - I baked my new cookie-favourite (one that I totally dissed the first time, too buttery, too sugary...); sunflowerseed cookies
I got the recipe from The Cookbook Café cookbook "Två systrars söta" (Two sisters sweet). Can't say I'm too keen on the food they serve at the café (I used to eatlunch there now and then when I worked in the neighbourhood. We didn't go for the food though, but the ambience). The cookbook I bought mainly for the gorgeous pictures.
Oh how I love a good picture!! And the overwhelming reason for me to buy cookbooks aren't the recipes but the pictures. Which I can drool over and savour for hours, the pictures that is. The food and recipes that comes with, are hardly ever of the same interest. Even if I now and then try a recipe here and a recipe there. Like sunflowerseed cookies. Which are so simple, and tasty. But be warned, not for people who like to see - and eat - a neat and tidy cookie.
Yesterday I actually did - like the cookbook says - a triplebatch (yes they do freeze well) and I chuckled for myself when I crouched on the kitchen floor trying to be sort of effective and bake the batches all at once - the kitchen table being full of pearls and the kitchen counters being full of... well, other things. What can I say, I'm not really the tidy, everything-in-neat-order-housewife-kind... Never have been, never will be. But I do just fine anyway!
I had the opportunity to sample a cookie or two just in time for the Swedish prizewinning flick on TV "Masjävlar" (I know it's been translated something like "Dalecarlians", when it really should be "Bloody Dalecarlians". It's not a flattering move-title, but it says a lot...). The move which accompanied the sampling was so-so. Rather entertaining at the moment, but it left me with a big "so what? What was the point of it all?"-feeling. Like so many, too many, movies tend to do... But the cookie-sampling got an A+!
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