A really, really good night's sleep after a tough massage-session yesterday. Maybe the long sleep had something to do with the fact that I didn't get much of that the night before. All due to the fact that one of the cats - Pelle - had run away - or perhaps not. It actually turned out, when we found him late at night, that he knew all too well his way in the neighbourhood. He really had to point that out to us in a very self-important way when he returned home with us watching...
He had also managed to get friendly with another cat, a black cat (gender unknown, but to me he looks tomcatish) who sometimes sits on the neighbour's shed-roof and contemplate the going- ons with the rainbow-coloured herd in my garden. Malte has really made a big deal of him really not belonging to this household, not even close to here, not to be visible at all, thank you very much.
But apparently this cat has somehow gotten the message through to Pelle (the only cat ever acting like this and finding his way out of the garden of Cat-Eden) that there is a whole new, exciting world out there, behind the paradise gates of Pia's garden. Where life sure isn't as sweet and comfortable and safe, but full of adventures waiting to happen! For the right guy in the right company, carefully chosen of course.
I really don't know what to do next about this. I don't want my cats to roam freely in a densely populated area, it's not safe for many reasons and it's not nice to the neighbours either. And him being fertile and a part of my breeding-plan - this sure is a problem to ponder over...
Talking about fertile, today I finally neutered those two sweet girls I've written about before, Prunella and Qlara. Everything went well and now they have to spend the next 10 days with a "thinking cap" on, ie a funnel.
Two of those walking around here, I wonder how that'll go...
But it's good to have that thing over and done with, the spaying, at least I don't have to worry about Pelle getting himself another wife and another (unwelcomed) family. He has his planned life as a Casanova well set out for him, or at least I have those plans for him. He sure has enough females around here to keep him happy when that time comes!
SĂĄ far, and yet some, my day - in a rainy Stockholm - has been a busy one, at least when it comes to writing and spending time doing that at the computer-site. An all time high (until now) activity-index has been set at Katter iFokus - I'm still amazed myself! I've also been writing letters and this and that. My BIG plans of cleaning out the wardrobes and giving away clothes in heaps today have been, once again, postponed to a later date... Some words, syllables, letters came in the way of that. But I have been filling the washing machine three times + the dishwasher once anyway. Great inventions that'll do the job for you!
I received a nice reply yesterday too, that my sort of application for selling things at lovely Zetas Finsmakarens Trädgård (Zeta's, the epicure's garden - www.zetas.nu) Autumn fair Oct 7-8 was approved. So I'm happy about that, it'll be great fun I think - an autumnal harvest festival with apple-testing, roses and handicraft! Two fair-weekends in a row, I hope I'll sell more than just one aroma-candle or two... I better start knitting some more shawls - right now, in front of the TV with another episode of "Love my way" on before I take another big sleep.