Just a little something yellow to perk you up, in case having a long Easter weekend doesn't completely do it for you, I give you the Lovikka mittens completely finished well before Easter. Of course they won't be inaugurated until next winter (hopefully at least seven months from now), but they have been test-driven by bobbaloos.
The comfort gets thumbs up by Seth and Miffwinkle - the height endured does not. Some bobbaloos thrive with heights, others do not. Obviously.
The yellow mittens also made me realise there are actually some colours missing, really, in the Scandinavian bobbaloo settlement. Like Easter yellow and cerise pink, to name a couple.
Classic Swedish Lovikka mittens usually come with a tassle, created so you can easily hang them up to dry after being out in the snow. I usually skip the tassle, but I made one on this pair. Not sure if they add something or simply look gaunt attached to the woolly big mitten, I could of course make them thicker with more yarn, this was just an easy way to secure the loose ends.
In making the mittens I also, once again, thought about how pink, in some version of its colour awesomeness, always adds that special thing to anything. Mmm, I'm so glad I chose its creative perfectness for the office, the pink office.
Now, back to the tulip project for me.
Super cute!
Great looking mittens in great Easter colours! They will remind you of Spring next winter. It is chilly here, but with blue sky and sunshine, the perfect Easter Sunday day!
So beautiful. Such a cheery colour. And a bobbaloo or two never goes astray.
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