Little Loaf is doing well (touch wood). He's naturally not too happy about his plastic funnel, but he has also discovered it's a great new way to chase kittens, you can kind of scoop them up in the funnel if they're not fast enough (which they sadly, from his point of view, always are).
I've also realised that giving antibiotics to dogs aren't like giving it to cats, I don't trick cats to take them, I simply force them, and yes we are still friends, the felines and I. A dog obviously needs to be tricked, there's no way I can force his jaws open to something he doesn't agree on. But on the other hand he's oh so easily tricked, anything hidden in a small edible matter is happily swallowed.
The medicine gives him new and interesting flatulence habits. Delightful. Or not. But after this ordeal he can fart all he wants (in moderation over time of course).
Now all I want from Easter, my very favourite holiday, this year is as follows;
~ getting rid of the cold, for real
~ finish something yarny, like the, ahem, tulip project... and
~ possibly paint some furniture
~ a new pruning-shears - I lost my best one (don't know where, don't know when) some years ago, I have my eyes set on a fab violet one called Viola...
~ good sleeps and lovely fikas
~ I would also love to have a yellow Easter Hoptimist, a Chick or a Chuck, but sadly they were sold out when I returned to shop... I suppose I could order online, but that's just not as much fun
Next week I promise to have sweet news of this and that plus of course announce the tea giveaway winners - yes, it would have been nice to have done that in time for Easter, I know...
Oh, I almost forgot that Ms March is of course followed by Ms April - but no it's a long time yet until the wood anemones arrive, probably by late April.
now I will just wish you all a wonderful, relaxing,
kind and caring Easter time,
happy weekend!
Happy Easter, Pia. I do hope you have a lovely weekend. Here in Canada Good Friday is a holiday, but not so for Easter Monday. Still, three days will be nice!
BTW, I'd much, much rather give pills to a dog than to a cat any day. LOL.
I love, love, love the image of scooping kittens up in the funnel. Thank you so much. Have a wonderful Easter.
Happy Easter, Pia!
Here celebrate Easter next week, and today was holiday of people with flowers name. I'm pagan, but but still share celebration with my family. :)
I'm so happy to hear your good news!
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