You have been an awesome month, June 2013, I will be sad to see you go but I haved loved pretty much every minute of you -
except for that accident caused by the bus driver a while back, when I fell stepping out of the bus because he closed the door on me. And hey presto, I crash landed on my knees. It wasn't, and still isn't, good at all, but the fall and crash could have been so so much worse and I bet it was you, awesome June, who made the crash landing a lot less painful than it could have been, you saved me but at the same time showed me that one should always be aware of life's unexpected less delightful elements even amidst a lot of awesomeness.
I'm also very happy that on your very last day you showed me this inspirational little thing for the garden, how to create my very own heart path. Because one can't have to many hearts in life.
And please tell your sister July that too much of the good thing is never enough.
Now that is a gorgeous, heart-warming path.
What a beautiful garden path! Now you've inspired me to do something more with our path in our kolonilott.
That great path, has a way of drawing you in....
Glad to hear you have fond memories of June. Hope that the following month will be the same or better!
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