I have to admit the overwhelming always present tiredness prevented me from rising early to get those blood samples on Friday. So it'll have to be an early morning meeting with needles on Monday instead. There's no escaping from the inevitable. It's just that EVERYTHING - and since I hate capslock you know I'm serious here - is a big deal and exhausting at the moment, every little (in the big scheme of things) setback is overwhelming. Whine whine.
The overall downpour this weekend in Stockholm and nearby has been of semi-epic proportions. Perhaps not uplifting for the mind and spirit, but it does make the world look grand in all its green glory.
Sadly not the weather for cork heeled new shoes, but I happily walked in my pretty Helsinki ones instead (which are quite comfortable I'm pleased to report).
I try to stay focused on good stuff right now, try not to dwell on the obvious setbacks of various kinds, so from this weekend some of the good stuff I take with me is the happy fact that after the three months search I found THE summer dress 2012 - yes it begun approx at the same time as the darn infection-of-unknown-kind, thus I'm thinking that with the finding of the dress the infection will say farewell, logical right? - I had two scrumptious pieces of raspberry toffee covered in dark chocolate.
There was the great fortune of finding the perfect umbrella - which I regreted not getting in Helsinki, worthy of a post of its perfect own - at the summer sales.
I enjoyed a very pretty cheese sandwich and last but not least, cuddled with the cutest of kittens.
How was your weekend?
Life often is so much cr*p, the best we can do is make a conscious effort to appreciate the small joys.
My current favourite quote:
Any idiot can face a crisis - it's day to day living that wears you out. -Anton Chekov
LOVE your dress, BTW. That, and of course the kittens (as always), are huge joys! :-)
Jag börjar oroa mig på riktigt för din monumentala trötthet, men eftersom jag själv inte orkar (!) läsa mer engelska än det jag är tvungen att göra genom studierna, så har jag inte följt exakt vad det kan handla om, inte handla, vad som testats och inte. Om du vill mejla så vore det välkommet. Och så önskar jag naturligtvis att du snart blir bättre!
Din klänning trodde jag först när jag såg bilden på Fejan var av toile de Jouy (visst stavas det så?), men såg nu att det var blommor. Märkligt. Men den var lika fin för det, liksom skorna, och pissungarna!
I hope they doctors find what the matter is and you are on your way to feeling better soon.
Love the dress and love the shoes! To sunnier days ahead!
I was reading Elephant's Child blog about her thyroid problems which had me thinking about you feeling so tired and sick for months on end. I had to have my thyroid treated about six years ago and it made a world of difference to my overall health. Have any of your blood tests been for your thyroid?
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