Admittedly I have not spent all weekend in this position, with this view, alas. But the hour or so I did was quite lovely. And cafés that offer position and views like this, then things like the cakes they have are far better looking than they taste doesn't matter all that much (surprisingly so).
And overall it has been quite a decent kind of weekend; great Saturday lunch, book thrifting - I really need to do some more Bookcrossing again -, charity shopping (not only of a fab yabba-dabba-doo skirt), decent soy latte, writing, photo editing and uploading to Flickr - soon there will be posts about Gdansk, Sopot and all that - writing, cat cuddles, new nailpolish, sleeping and planning the upcoming week.
I hope you've had a refreshing August weekend too ~
What a glorious spot. Thank you.
....and some people do not believe in Heaven....LOL
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