Admittedly, I haven't been very successful with the concept reading by rota. Not because I wouldn't be able to be, but for the fact that I've been so absorbed by a few books I haven't been able NOT to read only one chapter at a time and then move on to the next in the pile.
I haven't written a book review since October, but I've certainly read them. I'm pleased to say. very pleased. It may be the World Book Day today but I won't write one today either. Instead I'll give you a clever reading tip if you feel you lack your usual reading mojo, or perhaps you just want to discover more writers in a simple way.

Go read a short story.
Not exactly revolutionary, but such a great and easy way to keep reading and finish a book, lots of books. And find new favourite writers. Or decide that writer really isn't your cup of literary tea.
A small publishing company in Stockholm called Novellix publishes only short stories, a mix of old classics and new writers. Both Swedish and foreign, sometimes the short stories are brand new and written especially for Novellix. Publish four at a time. And pretty much always with wonderfully designed book covers.

This was my first short story from Novellix, which I hadn't heard of before that. My mum gave me the book and since John Ajvide Lindqvist is my favourite writer it was a great wee gift. It's a fantastic story, he's such a talented and clever horror writer and these 45 pages sent such chills down my spine I couldn't turn the lights off for several nights after I'd read it. The novella is called "Speciella omständigheter" (Special circumstances) and it'll definitely make you think twice when buying your new home.

Novellix later started to follow me on Instagram, I followed back and was smitten by the idea of novellas. Apart from selling their novellas online (and in some selected bookstores) they have a neat subscription where you get 6+1 books during 3 months.

My first 2+1 books where three short stories by Astrid Lindgren. I've since gotten 2 more and in may I'll get the last two. I've also bought a few more novellas since, some I've enjoyed a lot while others have been, to be honest, less than well written nonsense. But since it's nonsense on few pages that doesn't matter all that much compared to when you get a proper book and get sorely disappointed. And the enjoyable ones have certainly wet my appetite for those writers.

For Easter they had a cute little box with some novellas which was perfect as an Easter gift. I've come to love that it's always so easy to both start and finish a book when you have a short story close at hand. And that it's a lovely thing to do while having fika or breakfast, to read a little story accompanied by tea and cake.
So a good novella, for a quick read fix and food for thought, that'll be my tip for this year's World Book Day.
Edit: The friends at Novellix will give you 50 SEK discount if you sign up for a novella subscription before May 10, 2015. Just write the code "prosit" when you check out! All books are written in Swedish, a prescription costs 99 SEK for 3 months. Free P&P within Sweden, 59 SEK for the rest of Europe. More details (in Swedish) at Novellix website.
What's yours?

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