Once you've experienced the utter joy of the happy lights there's no turning back; you will definitely want more of them. Because if you don't live in a one room apartment there is always more than one place where those string of lights will light things up in the perfect way.
So after getting those amazeballs for Prosit, which continue to delight and inspire every single day, I knew I had several places that could benefit from them. Like the hallway's big mirror - where the pretty peony lights sadly have been broken for years - and I can definitely think of at least a couple of other rooms too...

First I thought of getting only blue colours, but realized I'm not a very blue person when it comes to interiors. Green then? Or why not the favourite colour combination green AND pink? With a touch of neutral beige. I thought of max 5 different hues, ended up with 11. Plus two different ball sizes this time.
I'm sure it will look lovely once they're installed. But that will be some time since I feel the hallway needs a bit of overall sprucing up. Like more practical and neat looking storage for recycling (glass, paper, cardboard, sheet, plastic) than the currently tired, old paper bags. Seems a pity to hang those happy lights surrounded by tired old everything-else-stuff.

Fingers crossed also that the snoopervisors will leave the balls alone, because just below the big hallway mirror is the cat feeding station. But such well-behaved felines who always know right from wrong, always respecting theirs and mine, of course there won't be a problem, right?
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