Sometimes when I'm lying in bed, sitting on the bus or train or in the car I come up with the most wonderful ideas and wording of a new entry. I know, I know, one really should write that down, or record it or have a personal assistant to take notes...
- If I could chose whomever I want in the whole wide world to be that assistant, always a timeserver, who would that be...? -
But since I suffer from a phenomenal memory I tend to think I will remember that certain way of words, that certain fascinating idea - when I wake up I realise that even phenomenal memories have their phenomenally bad days...
So, the entry of today won't be as sensationally fascinating as I would have wanted it to be - but since I'm a great believer in the theory of relativy I suppose this too can be a mindblowing thing for someone with a whole other way of life. Perhaps. With a bit of imagination. And a flair for the smaller pink things in life.
Just the other week I discovered that we actually have pink cherry blossoms much closer than Kungsträdgården. On my way to the bus-stop I saw the loveliest little tree just beside the parking-lot in all its tiny pink glory.
It's these smaller things in everyday life one just has to appreciate! These things very often being those, sometimes, tinier than tiny things nature has in store. Most of the times they appear when the seasons change. Almost all the times you notice them they lift a mood that badly need to be lifted. And when you don't notice them and appreciate them - that's when you're REALLY in trouble...
But you don't want to be mossy and tired of life and all its wonders, do you? A mossy personality isn't as appealing in a human as in nature...If you take a deep breath, open your eyes, really open, and look around you there are so many things to be grateful for in life. And to enjoy.
If you lift your eyes there's amazing arcitecture to be seen.
If you lower your eyes there are tender flowers to be enjoyed.
There are small, innocent beings that need to be swept up and cuddled.
There are sweets that makes your tummy sing a dittle of joy.
There are delicate, handmade details in a handbag to be proud of.
All these things that are so easy, too easy, to see past. But when you learn to notice them, to apppreciate them, it's those small things that makes it pretty difficult to wipe that silly smile of your face.
Your photo's are gorgeous. And this is so what I needed to read today. Thank you! For the stunning shots of Sweden, the little pink things in life, and the sentiment.
Thank you so very much!
And you're quite welcome:)
your photography is amazing. =]
What a sweet comment, ashlee, thanx!
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