Suddenly something crawled up from under the terrace's splints when we sat their having a cuppa enjoying the fact that summer holidays have at last begun - sigh, I'm lost for words how much I need this, I will make the best of efforts to really enjoy, treasure every moment, yes practise mindfullness galore - it slowly heaved its fat little froggy self up and sat there relaxing.
Before it hoppeti hopped over the terrace and into the lilacs hedge. I only had the iPhone to snap something quick with, which is indeed such a pity. This far wee one would have been nice to have captured in a nicer way. Since last year's frog (below) was such a handsome, large one, quite eager to pose. (And still he didn't get a post of his/her own back then, shame on me.)
Hurrah for summer holidays! :-)
Do you have a lot of frogs, perhaps live near a swampy area? When I was growing up in the country, there was a swamp and then river not too far behind our house, and frogs abounded. They were *very* loud in the spring, during their mating season. LOL.
Love him. Or her. Happy holidays.
Beautiful little guys. Always good to see toads and frogs :)
They're all pretty cute, but Froggy 2009 is especially handsome. :O)
Cool foggie, looks like a camouflage toad. lol...
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