But I'm working on it, I want to be more neat and laundry my life now and then, to have open spaces and rooms I can share with most everyone who demands a peek.
Though really, it wasn't that, of which this entry was going to be about, but the fact that I can't seem to read only one, or two, book/s at a time, but preferably at least five...
And the reason for that is sort of unclear, it might have something to do with the books piling up and if I try and read more of them simultaneously I can also buy new books in a steady pace...
Or the fact that some books are quite boring, and yes even if my time is precious I'm also rather adamant that I ought to get through them and get that experience behind me, instead of just giving up and put them to rest in the bookshelf. Sometimes they're complete sleeping-pills -
like Virgina Woolf's To the lighthouse, a mere 160 pages or so in translation and I think it took me about 3-4 years to get through... Not exactly a page-turner that was... - or badly written and totally uninteresting and annoying, that it's really more than I can master - like Zadie Smith's White Teeth... Talk about completely overrated!
And while I harbour the idea of either working my way through it or just putting it completely aside, I begin a new book. That seems to suit my mood of the day/evening/night. But it might not be suitable for all my moods, every time I want to read some.
I mean, even if I do like suspense novels, and sometimes really horrific ones, I don't always want to read them before I go to sleep - I'm sort of inclined to take the zombies, trolls and serial-killers with me in dreams, and that's not too pleasant...
So for the purpose of a good night's sleep I do want to read something that leaves me with nice thoughts and dreams or at least not quite as bloody. And so, I might be forced - yes indeed! - to begin with yet another book...
Another book that perhaps isn't very light reading, and not really something I like to concentrate on reading and understanding the concept of when I'm really sleepy but still in need of my good-night-story before light's out...
So I really, badly need to have a lighter, don't-have-to-use-every-braincell-to-comprehend-book too... And so it goes. The pile of currently-reading tends to rise to new heights as well as the pile of books-to-read...
If you haven't already seen it, I now too have a Currently-reading-list to the right here---> - yes, being inspired by what so many of you already have - the only thing is, it tends to grow as described above, with books finished being substituted by at least two new ones... But having made a list *lovely, lovely lists* like this perhaps I can keep it in some sort of compact order, of at least no more than... well, let's say eight books being read at a time...?
And having said that, I'm at the moment struggling to realise that I last night - yes I did have to finish those last mere 60 pages before I could go to sleep... - finished one of the most amazing books I've ever read. Really, truly magical - but I won't tell, not yet... I'll write more about this treasure of a book later. I can't wait to get the author's other books. Yes, I'm happy, happy, happy to declare I've found yet another favourite writer!
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