I may love to knit and crochet. I am a passionate believer in the power of colours. I know that happiness can be found in whimsical details.
But when it comes to combining all this and step outside my own creative comfort box, going splendidly crazy making something truly free-form I seem to go blank.
I may be fearless splurging and combining when it comes to colours and such, but I get a distinct notion that my creativity wants to roam only its own safe, well-known playground when it comes to knit and crochet (and sewing). I don't appreciate that. I want to go really crazy creative all over the place. Not really sure how I will challenge and surprise myself, I scheme, I lurk but so far no real luck. In awaiting for t h e moment of free-form ambush I settle for oh-ing, ah-ing over other people's wonderful free-form creativity dressed in knit and crochet.
One vibrant example of free-forming is talented plumfish on etsy. I love the truly irresistable combination of exploding colours, flowers, roses, recycling, silk that come together in shawls, scarfs and crocheted jewellery. Creativity at its best. Affordable one of a kind soft art and moodlifting wearable pieces from Australia.
I love my three pink roses bracelet. Wearing it tucked safely inside coat this time of the year, then hey presto flaunting it proudly when coat come off makes me silly happy.
Previously mentioned autumnal neck-piece still awaits the perfect inauguration day. But it oozes joy, beaming of creativity just lying there on shelf.
Pink, blue, red pony-tail holders all ready to adorn undersigned on anyone of these gloomy, cloudy, energy draining winter days. I'm pretty certain their little wafting rose tails will lift my mood, keep me on course, inspire me to move forward, onwards, magically make free form.
Hi, I am a freind of the Plumfish creation TEXTILE ARTIST. You have so well discribed how I feel when I visit her home and view work in progess. It is like a fairytale unfolding. I purchased a scane of sari silk and have found multiple uses for it. from tying back cur etains to hanging a big pearl around my neck. It always gives me pleasue. when I wear plumfish creations it draws people to stare and want to touch especially men and its not in a sexual way. they are drawn to the impact of colour without being able to explain it. thankyou for sharing and highlighting my friend'artistic gift to the world.
Those are beautiful! What happy, colorful items to bring you smiles.
I too struggle with leaving the "safe zone" in my creativity. Ah well.
Oh, de är ju så fina!!
Köpte själv garn gjort av återvunnas saris, och hade mycket roligt med det trots att det var svårhanterat och inte verkade falla nån i smaken (ibland är man så där bekräftelsetörstig, ibland inte).
Nu blev jag sugen på att gå o köpa det fuchsia-färgade i samma serie, på Marias garn. Fast nää, köpstopp gäller. Men tack för ljuvliga bilder!!
I can see why you were attracted to those Pia, they are gorgeous!
Very cute.
glad you have such joy with the plumfish's creations, josie.
thanks, alex! it's comforting really that the leaving-of-comfort-zone-struggle is a shared one...
tack, pärlbesatt! oh, det finns alltså sån't garn att köpa i sverige stockholm?? hoppsan, precis vad man behöver, mer garn...;)
thanks, glad you think so too, jacqueline:)
thank you, paz.
Hi this is Josie respectfully asking the person not communicating in english if a translation could be facilitated. I would so love to know what this person is saying about tne Roses.
thanking you in advance
josie, this roughly translates what username 'pärlbesatt' wrote -
Oh, they're so lovely!! I purchased yarn from recycled saris myself and it was great fun but rather difficult to work with. Now I do get the urge to go buy some fuschia-coloured yarn like that. Thanks for lovely pics!
Hi, that was so kind of you to let me know what was said. So true Heh? But you should see her work at making roses, she does it as she talks, is making coffee, attending to her grandchild and instructing her husband to unload the car. A true female artiste!!!!!
Love to see some other sari silk work. Josie
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