Today was the grand opening of the much awaited ABBA museum in Stockholm. I totally plan a visit as soon as possible, the entrance ticket is pretty steep but I hope and think the overall experience is worth it.
The museum is cashless and I have to say I find the reason for that both intriguing and appealing. The museum also holds the Swedish Music Hall of Fame.
The ABBA phenomen is something I'm deeply, truly proud of is Swedish. Clever, amazing, great, influential music that also played a big part of my childhood.
I remember sitting in the backseat of the car with my cassette player - remember there was such a thingy? Yes, there was music way before CDs, iPods, Spotify and such - on loud singing along to ABBA tapes. My parents endured many such car rides, poor things. Me and my best friend played Agnetha and Frida and lip-synched to ABBA songs at the weekly "roliga timmen" (= the happy hour, no alcohol involved) at school. My room's walls were taped with ABBA posters and I collected all sorts of memorabilia and glued articles into scrap books.
I had friends in Belgium and Germany who, unlike me, where hardcore fans and regularly visited Sweden, the Polar studio and, admittedly, lurked around Agnetha's home.
Mamma Mia! is one of my favourite movies, proving that the music of ABBA is very much still alive and just as life affirming now as it was then, maybe even more so.
My no1 favourite ABBA song is still "The day before you came" (oh the gorgeous melancholy).
What's your relationsship with ABBA?
Your favourite ABBA moment?
Your favourite ABBA song?
I heard on our news this morning about the opening of the museum. I wasn't "into" their music in any real sense, but it certainly was a part of my growing up years too. And yes, I remember cassettes. Heck, I remember the OLD 8-track tapes Dad would play in the car, and I remember vinyl--vinyl seems to be making a comeback now!
Abba certainly are Icons in the Music Industry all over the world. I got a lot of pleasure out of listening to Abba over the years! I still have CD's. I think one of my favorites is "Thank you for the Music" but I like most of their music...What a great idea, an Abba museum.
ABBA...still love them! Had their music on several of those round black flat things that you put on a turn table...yea, I'm old! Still have all of my tapes and the DVD plus the CD from the movie! When the live show of "Mamma Mia!" was in Las Vegas I didn't get to see it mother did! She didn't like the story line and said the music was too loud! How can ABBA music be too loud!?!
I would have said that they had largely passed me by EXCEPT that quite recently I realised that if an ABBA song is played I do know the tune and often the words. So, they snuck up on me.
Thank you for your recent excursions through my blog - it was lovely to see you there.
I remember ABBA! We danced to a lot of their songs in Junior high and high school. So much fun!
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