Anyone else who has issues with very dry hands, due to this constant handwashing these past five months?
Here are a bunch of vegan hand creams I've enjoyed using. They're all very light, so I suspect they're not perfect for winter use. Stronger stuff is needed then.
I love Molton Brown's, but they're a bit pricey. Adore the rhubarb rose scent, smells like summer and childhood to me. Lily of the Valley and star anise is nice, but turned out Fiery pink pepper smells like spicy, cheap after shave alas.
Body Shop's hand creams are always nice, but I prefer mango and the Christmas scents.
EOS hand lotion with cucumber scent is lovely. Smells a lot like my old body cream favourite cucumber-melon from Bath & Body Works.
Treacle Moon Wild Cherry Magic is a delicious scent. Haven't used it much yet, so I just hope it's as good as it smells.
When you're basically have to shop everything online, it's a bit of a guessing game whether you'll like it or not. I try to keep my shopping down to the very bare essentials these days obviously. (Books are considered essentials, right? Right.)
I remember when all this stay-at-home began, how I would perk myself up with wearing a bright lipstick every time I went out. That only lasted a month. Then it turned out to be so impractical with take away food or nicecream eating out. And you get so used to not wearing it that when and if you do there's a tendency to smear it around the face since you forgot you wore it.
The only makeup I wear now is my must; bare minerals original foundation powder (because of my now dermatologist confirmed, rosacea) for cover. After my twenties I've never been big on makeup (funny how you like to cover up that beautiful youthful skin, but the older you get, the least interesting it gets.), but I enjoy the simplicity of lipsticks and eye pencils. Or at least I used to, it seems kind of pointless now. Life in itself is truly down to the bare essentials I suppose. And that includes good hand creams in the times we are living.
What's your favourite vegan hand cream/s?

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