You were one of my favourite companies, Oatly. You truly lived your values, sustainability to the core. Not only delicious, kind, dairy cruelty-free products - like milk, only made for humans! - you were sazzy, witty, clever and your copy and marketing were obviously inspired by my once-upon-a-time beloved innocent drinks.
But the fact that two major investors of your's now are Blackstone - notorious when it comes sustainability, playing a major part in the deforestation of the Amazonian rainforests for example - and the state of China - equally notorious - these deals come with a very bad aftertaste, I'm sad to say.
Just like innocent sold their core and soul to Coca Cola back then, you have now sold your values and soul to big business. It feels like a gargantuan green-washing deal. Once again, being true to your values means less when money talks.
I hope that everyone who criticize the deal (Swedish) and this (English) and questions your values will be proven wrong, that what is now perceived as naivety will prove to be smart foresightness. That a little plantbased, sustainability dedicated company from Skåne, Sweden will have a major positive, worldwide impact as opposed to being the brand that forefronts a lot of dirty, environmentally devastating dealings. Given that it's big business, and money over values and ethics, that got us in this climate emergency situation in the first place, I kind of doubt that though.
Your products are still great, your business ethics and choice of bedfellows with likeable celebrity figureheads does however not impress as much anymore. But time - whatever livable time we have left on this planet, of course - will tell...
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