I thought I'd keep it a bit light to begin with, tread carefully on the word path, slightly back on track, having at least a modest control of things - or rather the frugal content in my tummy - and muse about about the Last Endeavor a k a the Colour Purple (not the movie, which btw is a great one!) taking over my life, little by little, in a craftily way.
I suppose one might say it all began when I was contemplating the good sense or not of having bought a couple of possible-butter-box-like-shoes last summer (admittedly at a very good sale). The spiralling downwards had suddenly begun, the granny path, the unavoidable road to the old people's home of Sunset Bliss... -
Somehow it all happened so quickly, I hadn't seen it coming. The worst thing probably was, that the definite winner of the butter-box-lookalike-shoe contest above I actually felt quite happy wearing. A few times, at first. Then I realised I felt a dreaded waddle going on, I wasn't walking like the usual me, and then I discovered they weren't made and sewn together the exact same way. One of the shoes weren't at all supportive to the would be foot inside, just making it slipsliding back and forth while walking. Which isn't acceptable, probably harmful and I suppose I could have made a complaint about it, but it was on a great sale and I do believe one should choose one's battles... But if I ever consider buying a pair of Hush Puppies again - which I can't say I really do at the moment - I very much have to examine them even more carefully than I usually do before buying shoes... -
Then I got back on track with past summer's best shoe-buy (on sale. Of course) - the red ones
But it seems like there's just no escape from the Destiny Purple - and a pair of purple shoes screamed my name at the end of summer sales. And we mustn't forget the birthday threesome, including a pair of snazzy, ... purple ones.
And even if my latest shoe investment actually is a pair of lovely red ones again -
um, must make a note of the fact that I don't really need to but another pair of shoes for a while now. I probably should stay away from the post-Christmas sales. There are so much more useful and needy ways to spend ones hard earned money, both on a personal level as well as a more global one... See, Dr Sensible is really trying to fight Ms ShoeHyde in a bad way, all is not lost! -
I kind of make up for that when buying / getting other things... And now I'm finally back to what made me begin writing this, the latest steps down the Purple Path. The three ominous things on the purple colour scale I got before Christmas, all of which can be seen in the picture above. The wonderful, wonderful ring was actually a belated birthday present from my sweet mother, but just the fact that I was very much drawn to this particular one with a big, beautiful purple jade stone when there a few other lovely contenders there too, is just... sad.
This ring, well, the design, the company, deserves a whole blog post by itself so I'll get back to it sometime soon.
But I got a very pretty pink bag with it! And I think one might say that it's bag/box is more of pink/mauveish in colour than something purple...?
The little purse from Longchamp I bought as a Christmas gift for... my camera batteries. And no that's not silly. At all. Just sensible. Since they do a lot of hard work and deserve better than having to share room with a whole lot of weird things in the vanity case. Which possible can lead to them lacking stamina and doing a poor job now and then. And this purple shade is very soft and appealing - yes it is! - and goes really well with the little green key bag. But yes, admittedly it is - purple.
Then we have the ink. Which I bought for making personalized Christmas-cards, but never got around to. So now I'm making them into New Year ones. Hopefully. I got a green one, and then, well, the inner me screamed for this... purple one too. Milled lavender. It just sounds so soothing, so lovely, so very... Granny Mildred.
Alas I more than fear, yes, the Last Endeavour has most certainly got me in its grip, I can't seem to escape. There's no denying, I'm well down that Purple Path.
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