I know, three cat posts in one week - at the vet's and inspirational - but Thursdays are designated cat posts, kind of, and today was the day that it actually looks like both boys will soon move to good forever homes. Thus cats it is.
As most always a bittersweet feeling and when I look how much fun and sweetness they enjoy together it adds to the heartache...
... the feeling of "I put them into this world and I am the one separating them from eachother" - not a nice one. But I also know that I've been through this lots of times before;
~ the previously sold kittens have been happy and content in their new forever homes.
~ Many individuals need a push and new surroundings, inputs to really blossom into the personalities they're intended to be - that goes for every being.
~ Some siblings definitely have stronger personalities than others and with moving to different/new homes they get to evolve as individuals instead of someone continue to overpowering the more timid sibling.
Both blue boys will get new cat buddies - and both are ragdolls curiously enough - and Årvar will even get a dog friend, a sheltie. Årvar, the fluff, will move on Monday already, Åskar in two weeks.
And left with her mum, dad, half-sister, cousins and the rest will be Ågot. Oh I'm sure everything will be fine, just fine, but still, bittersweet is the lingering feeling du jour...
Själv - jag ser det ju utifrån - tänker jag på vad roligt det är att du får nya ägare till dina små, det är ett bra betyg väl?, samt vad roligt det blir i alla nya familjer, för såväl mattar och hussar som de små.
Förlåt för den fula interpunktionen med frågetecken före komma...
Önskar jag hade fått se de små innan de försvann, också... Kattungar är det finaste jag vet.
Hi Pia
Gosh, yes, a difficult decision for you to make and I don't envy that one. As you say though, the boys will have lots of new adventures, they'll blossom and they'll grow into their own special personalities.
Thanks for sharing the story and the wonderful photos :-)
Happy weekend
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