~ That I might possibly call myself a breeder of suri-cats, not only mere cats. (Not that there's anything "mere" about a cat of course!)
~ My little weird and very wonderful rainbow family of cats.
~ More good days in a row than bad ones, though the dripping nose, the cough and the tiredness lingering on. Still, more good days, a little more energy and inspiration, little by little.
~ More good days in a row than bad ones, though the dripping nose, the cough and the tiredness lingering on. Still, more good days, a little more energy and inspiration, little by little.
~ In less than a week we'll be walking the summer street of Gdansk, having fabulous vegetarian food and visit Jozef K - I'm so excited! And so are the bobbaloos (although it's not quite decided which get to come along yet...)
~ That I was able to actually go ahead and get me a new pair of sandals. Although I didn't end up getting the white/orange/yellow ones, but a pair of three nuances of green ones. For various reasons. That will be explained at a later date.
~ My little red grater. The amount of fresh garlic in our meals have risen to new and interesting heights.
~ That M starts his holiday soon and we'll be able to go for nice daytrips with or without toy car.
~ That I will get to see a good friend I haven't seen for far too long tomorrow, we'll have dinner and then head to a Hawaiian Tropic Party - including goodie bags and tropical drinks. Sweet.
~ That the kittens I've had and sold over the years have been so well-adjusted, well-loved and appreciated family members in many homes. And that their well-adjustedness and funky personalities might have a lot to do with the fact that I am who I am, love and care for them dearly and am very particular about who to get to call themselves their new owners human slaves - thank you Kim for reminding me yesterday.

What are you grateful about today?
1 comment:
Hi Miss Pia,
I am glad that it is Friday tomorrow - it's been a long week.
Made a tasty dinner tonight and caramel slice to take to work tomorrow.
Miss Poppy is on the bed snoozing happily away, and the weather is a bit warmer tonight, so the back door is open and the breeze is blowing in.
Off to the hairdresser on Saturday and then will meet friends for the afternoon.
Julie and Poppy Q
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