Spent a portion of the day at one of my favourite places in the whole wide world, Skogskyrkogården - The Woodland cemetery, Unesco World Heritage site - lit a candle for Little Loaf lost, and for all other loved and lost over the years. It was a sweet and utterly sad moment. Few places are better places to be when you feel like that though. I'm glad we went there, even if it was cold, windy and filled with sorrow.
The day also held lots and lots of walking, a lovely lunch - any meal with halloumi is - good soy latte and many errands.
If it wasn't for the fact that upon getting home and not having the usual overwhelmingly hearty welcome by a little dog I wept like crazy it would have been a really rather fine day. I suspect many many days for a long long time will be rounded off with tears when I get home not being greeted with a wagging banana tail.
Tears with and for you.
Åh, Pia! Så vansinnigt ledsamt!
Jag kopplade inte vad som hänt i måndags. Låg själv på operationsbordet då och har bokstavligt talat varit lite borta några dagar nu. Både i huvudet och allt vad dator och internet heter.
Nu har jag läst ikapp mig. Kära nån. Så oerhört jobbigt för dig. Hoppas du inte behöver vara ensam nu och att katterna gosar med dig alldeles extra mycket.
Jag tänder ljus här med.
Stora, stora kramar!
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