"To be honest I prefer to concentrate on outdoors grass binge and indoors purge, but apparently I'm suppose to present this as a blog post with interesting articles and such - go forth and read!"
:: If you can pronounce this (long) poem correctly you're supposedly better at speaking English than 90 % of the native English speakers in the world. Not sure about that - especially as most of us don't have a stickler of native English speaker listening to us reading it out loud - but it was indeed rather fun AND laboursome to read through.
:: A study that show smaller buildings are better for the city and its inhabitants - read more here. No surprise really, charming, walkable quarters with a blend of old and new are always more interesting, pleasing to the eye and buzz with creativity in general. Just wish more politicians and builders could grasp that...
:: Three words you shouldn't say about yourself - ah, modesty is a rather fine feature you know...
:: On the subject clever marketing I think this is a really great way to combine marketing with a hands on experience with possible long term benefits for people/customers and the environment - El Naturalista offered free walking coach sessions in Madrid while wearing El Naturalista shoes. In order to reconnect with nature as a therapeutic resource for city folks who may have developed a Nature Deficit Disorder. An overall awesome way to get a message out there, wouldn't you agree?
:: The book "Change Marketers" (not published as a paper book yet unfortunately) by José Carlos Leon talks about how brands should be agents of change and that the marketing department ought to be the engine in businesses to lead social changes. Action speaks louder than words, this is why some brands tick a lot of lovely boxes for me. I am so getting a copy of this book!
:: Animals always tick a lot of lovely boxes for me too. And how fabulastic and brilliant is this - What if animals took selfies? My cats may be a clever bunch, but I don't see them doing anything like this any time soon. Which probably is a good thing really...
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