Four marketing campaigns that have caught my eye lately, in a good way - though as usual, good advertising doesn't mean the companies/products are enjoyable.
First one is quite probably the cutest one I've seen in a long, long time. Even if cats rule everything (including the internetz) you can get a long, long way with using a poster bunny. It's a campaign for organic juices containing carrots and beetroots. Being a carrot lover and second to that a beetroot head I had to try them of course.

But sadly
a) they're made from concentrates - and when you either can buy fruit juices that are actually made from pure fruit which taste lovely or use your fab juicer there's no reason whatsoever to buy this stuff.
b) they don't taste very good at all.
Conclusion: a cute bunny campaign will only get you so far, when your product doesn't deliver in quality and taste not even the bunny will save you. Nor will the "organic" stamp.

Second one is a great one, with a simple message that make you think. And for a good cause. Instead of all these endless diet campaigns for loosing weight - when we all know that eat healthy and well, do a spot of exercising and consume less calories than you use is a pretty basic and sound way of doing it, should you want to - this one says "Gain weight and stay there!" and "Natural weight gain!". "The Oxfam-method, now in 94 countries". A simple and effective way to get an important message out there. I like it a lot. I hope lots of others do to.

Third one. I adore a good pun. And if it's in Swenglish it might be even better. Although granted I know it's not everyone's cup of tea - and there is a vast difference between clever Swenglish and ridiculous. Unfortunately a lot of Swedish commercials fall into the annoyingly ridiculous Swenglish category these days - contrary to popular belief, not every Swede understands English and appreciate mixed messages (pun intended).
But I, I do appreciate this goofy one, for a low cost petrol station chain - "Billig and proud" = "Cheap och stolt". Corny and fun. Not that it would entice me to fill my car (if I had one) at their stations, but I can enjoy a simple silly copy-thing anyway. And good colours.
Fourth one. It's a music video for a discount chain for home electronics, warehouse style, called NetOnNet. When I need something electronicky (like a red vacuum or replacing a stolen iPhone) I often get it there, no need to pay for fancy storage or staff when you can pick what you want from a warehouse shelf.
Their latest campaign is called "Lager than life", lager = warehouse in Swedish, so this video is all about a clever pun. And of course it's a paraphrase of the Backstreet Boys' old tune "Larger than life". I chuckled a lot over it initially, "how silly, five guys imitating Backstreet Boys, but in a rather entertaining way..." - before I realised it was indeed the Backstreet Boys themselves singing and dancing dressed as warehouse workers. Now I can't stop watching the video and chuckle even more about it.
a) did they get a ridiculous sum of money for doing it? or
b) are they so out of musical fashion they need to do this kind of stuff to pay the bills?
If it's a) I do hope they gave the money to charitable causes.
Now go watch it and chuckle. Nb the hilariously absurd choreography details of the background "dancers". Pretty sure they must have had great fun recording the whole thing. Because I'm totally entertained in a flabbergasted kind of way.
That's a shame that the juices were a bit yucky, as the bunny is very cute and it seems a great idea.
That's a shame that the juices were a bit yucky, as the bunny is very cute and it seems a great idea.
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