Ah, the importance of being occupied with loveliness to keep one's imagination from working overtime. I don't like second guessing myself but it's easier said than done. While playing the waiting game. Perhaps I could have done that a bit better, what if I'd tweaked that a dash, maybe that wasn't so good in hindsight? Even if it's better to complete something and be 95% happy with it than aiming for 100% and never complete. Getting things done is after all always the better option.
That said I'm so grateful for having spent a long weekend in an overall blessed way. A smultronställe galore kind of weekend. Keeping unnecessary no good second guessing thoughts at bay. I needed that. Glorious summer weather. Toy car. Good food. Good drinks. Good fika. Good conversation. Gardens. Luxuary. A city to love. Cats, hedgehogs, dogs, horses, sheep, chickens. And a great inauguration of summer sandals.
Let's get visual!

one of the loveliest salads i've ever had, a vegetarian caesar salad at grand hotel (the place were you get the best afternoon tea in Stockholm). such a treat.

one of the prettiest, most luxurious toilets i've ever had the pleasure to visit (bad soaps though). and a selfie that screamed to be taken.

stockholm, you fine thing!


under the lilacs we had sunday brunch...

every garden with self-respect should have a blue corner

a meadow with a baaah

two tiny baby chickens and their mum
And that was my soul-feeding weekend, which I'm humbly grateful about.
I do believe I'm ready for a week of truly awesome.
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