Just as the Madamoiselle Oiseau-series, I had been ogling this cup for a long time - before or after I've spent all those hours at the dentist these past months I have been browsing the shops in the neighbourhood, sometimes treat myself to something little to take the edge of the pain and nuiscance of root filling and stress - called "Fika med farmor"
(which translates "Fika with grandma", ie having coffee - or like someone explained it, Swedish fika is when calories meets conversation - with paternal grandma, maternal grandma is "mormor". End of language lesson), in English the series is called "Grandma's stories".
The series is designed by artist Ana Sikuljak and there are four different motifs on these cups. They tell the story about Ana's meetings with her grandma at Belgrad's cafés, and show her grandma's passion for pastries, fashion, jazz clubs and her sporty past. All cups are very nice, but the one I adored from the moment I saw it was the pink one with shoes. Go figure.
I now got my mug - with a looming dentist appointment this week -, it will by no means replace that large green one I broke a while ago, but it will certainly do for times when I'm not in the mood for a large cuppa (rarely happens) or when I feel like having to smaller cups of different teas instead of one. And just looking at it perks me up. Pink. Shoes. And bobbaloo approved (which is something I do take very seriously these days, the have impeccabale taste, those minuscule woolly ones!).
Nota bene: The series is discontinued from Dec 31, 2011 - so if you want a mug, or all, of your own haste to get one before that.
Indulge yourself. You only live once! Life is too short to waste!
Kalorikotteri är ordet som kom för mig när jag läste din definition av fika. Undrar när vi får till det. Fick du mitt sms förresten?
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